Friday, December 29, 2017

An Old Irish (?) Blessing

May you be in Heaven half an hour before the Devil knows you're dead.

William's Blessing

May all your addictions be trivial.
May all your habits be harmless.
May all your compulsions be inconsequential.

Of Liberals, Cheifs, and Indians

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Monday, December 25, 2017

Wounds of His hands?

Isaiah 49:16 GNT

Jerusalem, I can never forget you! I have written your name on the palms of my hands. shared Isaiah 49:16 GNT with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Kill Not Murder

Mark 10:19 GNT

You know the commandments: 'Do not commit murder; do not commit adultery; do not steal; do not accuse anyone falsely; do not cheat; respect your father and your mother.'" shared Mark 10:19 GNT with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Last week I messed us the lectionary...and the psalter.  I don't know how because they cycle independently.  I've probably done it before.  I thought too that I've probably blogged the wrong scripture here too.  I was a week behind in the lectionary...and I have no idea how I got lost in the Psalms.  At first I was angry with myself.  Then I thought of the writtings of an old monk--Br. Bede OHC I believe--who admonished the reader to not be overly hard on oneself when making a mistake.  He was speaking specifically about meditation, but I believe the same applies to The Daily Office.  Sort of like, it's the message that's important and not so much the medium.

Friday, December 22, 2017

William's Guide to Being a Good Atheist

The Four Primary Rules

1.  Treat people of faith how you want them to treat you, not how religion has offended against you.  This rule can be expanded to include all people.

2.  All people should be free in thought, belief and expression.  Ideas should be expressed openly and freely in society,  not wrongly punished as they once were by the church.

3.  Judge a person--if you must judge them--not by their words or creed, but by their actions.

4. People are evil by nature and pursue their own self interests while helping others requires sacrifice of self to some degree.   No misguided creed should be used to accuse.  Neither should it be used to affirm.  Help others when they need help--if you can help--while accepting help from all who offer it to you and you will escape evil.

If you truly believe that the world would be better without religion or that all wars have been about reigion, that's fine.  There's nothing wrong with that.   If you hate God, that's odd but okay too.  The only problem is when we force others to think or act in a certain way, to conform, to self censor.  This list is not all inclusive or final.  It is a place to start.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

One of my favourite parts in the Psalms tells us not to worry about those who prosper from evil or to be angry. Bad things come from anger and the evil will get theirs. It reads a little better in the Good News version.

37:1 Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.37:2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.37:8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.37:9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth.  Psalms

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Tolerance Theory

The only reason we're all still alive is that the machines can't disrupt the time stream without risking their creation.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Today's assigned Gospel reading had two things catch my attention. 1, Jesus was upset with the crowd but at the same time sad for them. 2, Jesus told the demons not to reveal His identity.

Mark 2:23-3:12 NIV

One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and as his disciples walked along, they began to pick some heads of grain. The Pharisees said to him, "Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?" He answered, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need? In the days of Abiathar the high priest, he entered the house of God and ate the consecrated bread, which is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some… shared Mark 2:23-3:12 NIV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Today's Gospel reading seems to go with Saturday night's reading.

1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.  Mark

As I read this Gospel reading Saturday night, I was again impressed with the exclusivity of it and by how "un-Jesuslike" it seems.

16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.  Mark

Monday, November 13, 2017

Log Jam Complete

That clears it out again.   ...for now....

Gaia did not die on the Cross.

This Moral Panic has gone too far.

20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Exodus

Even More on Fasting

It's disappointing when you break a fast. There's also the feeling that you've let God down.  I remember one Lent I gave up coffee.  I was outside on a Saturday working on my boat when my brother showed up with a tray of coffees.  I never even thought.  Thanks!  Sip!  Cindy came out the back door, "Hey, you're not supposed to have coffee."  It was too late.  My Lent was ruined.  I've also had some very successful Lents.  What's worse than the mistake is giving in.  On my pre-Thanksgiving fast, I gave in.  I can get back on my horse, but my sense of accomplishment will be gone.  But, maybe that's the lesson here.  We can do nothing on our own.  We can only fail without Him.  We are sinful creatures by nature.  Maybe I can re-fast between Thanksgiving and Advent.  Wish me luck.

Without Complaint

In today's Gospel reading, there are two sons.  I think I'm more of the first son.  I complain a lot, but then I do it.  But, I believe it was St. Benedict that said we should do our works without complaint.


I've heard that when we fast, that's when the Devil attacks most.  I don't know about being sent demons--although I'm aware of spiritual warfare, but certainly tempting is much worse.  It seems like fasting makes me worse not stronger.  Fasting is supposed to strengthen us spiritually. But it seems that I am weaker and more susceptible to sin.

Fw: Be At Peace

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 12:29 pm, William Ramier
<> wrote:

Log Jam The 3rd

I've found yet more posts that are stuck in my Android Yahoo Mail app.  Hang on...  Here we go.

Big Bag Theory

Could time travel have caused the hydrogen atoms to congragate?

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Gun Grabbers

I'm a wampire!

I got a really nice compliment today.  I ran into an old work friend whom I haven't seen for almost ten years, and he wanted to know where all my gray hair was and said, "This guy's a vampire."

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Liberty & Violence

The thing liberals don't understand about their gun fight is that they're attacking gun ownership and not addressing gun violence.  The thing liberals don't understand about gun owners is that they're not defending guns.  They're defending rights.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Two Truths

1. Not all people are equal, sorry but they're not.  I won't lie and pretend they are.

2.  All people should be treated equal, especially under the law.

When in conflict, go with rule #2.

FYI, equal means the same.   ...the same at the starting line, not the finish line.  No animal is more equal than another.

The Committee of Public Safety has decided that Danton shall not speak!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Remove Turnip!

Rice in the burrito or bread in the turkey.

Reading through university papers with all the feminism references--seemingly added to meet content quotas--and theory, I can imagine how the serious scientists in Nazi Germany must have mentality sifted through the official documents for the meat of the matter, except the Major Frank Burnses of the establishment who must have been lapping it up. Thealogians must have felt the same going through King James' added scripture on witches to the KJV Bible--although minor volume by comparison, or TV hosts plugging a mundane product during a live broadcast.

Thanks to the good folks at Itchy Arse Anal Gel for making this broadcast possible.  Itchy Arse, for all your anal needs.

We will never have harmony.

The closer we get to equality, the more vocal/violent/aggressive and unequal the "oppressed" become.

P.S.  We live in a Me culture now.

Destroyers of Higher Standards of Living

Liberals look at the goose that lays the golden eggs and can't see anything but how plump the goose is.

Friday, October 13, 2017


I had a dream a few nights ago that I had a phone app that would tell you when you had a cold and who gave it to you. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Downtown Punks?

59:6 They return at evening: they make a noise like a dog, and go round about the city.  Psalms

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Log Jam 2

It appears I have another e-mail log jam; I hate this Android app.  Consequently, my blog posts may be unordered as of late e.g. "More on Fasting" before the post on fasting etc...

More on Fasting

I'm no expert on fasting, but I certainly have been less than spectacular with my sucess in the desired outcome.  In reflection,  I think fasting should be coupled with deliberate prayer, solemn prayer.  They should go hand and hand. One should foster the other.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Tonight's vivid dream is brought to you by the letter Vampire.

I had a dream about an English Bachelor vampire who lived in peace and relative poverty or obscurity with his premonition vision having human friend in a small fortlet/castle on a tiny (less than a ache) close offshore island from the British main islands (1/4 mile), set in the Victorian era.  The vampire was a collector of small non precious artifacts and would periodically have them delivered by schooner or brig.  He was also fond of hosting guests and visitors. One such set were a group of relic hunters pretending to be traveling entertainers who robbed the safe in the fort.  The robbery was solved/foiled by the vision having friend.  What was a theft mystery became a murder mystery as a love triangle developed between the vampire, his friend, and the friend's wife.  The friend warned the vampire about a vision where he found them together and killed the vampire.  The friend seemed remorseful and worried. The vampire thought it was absurd and reassured the friend.  The night of the event, the friend stayed up until dawn worried and to prevent the event.  By sun rise all was well, and the vampire left for his chamber.  That's when a chance meeting between the vampire and the lady occurred near the staircase where they embraced.  They were found standing in embrace in the vampire's chamber by the friend who was consumed with rage.  He assaulted the vampire who effortlessly threw him aside.  Feeling remorseful and relenting, he allowed the friend to recover and he charged a second time, pushing the vampire's head face first into what looked like a mineral encrusted stone castle wall, killing him Instantly.  Vampire's don't like salt?  It looked like salt.  Strange dream.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

2 Corinthians 13:14 NIV from Bible Gateway

2 Corinthians 13:14 NIV

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. shared 2 Corinthians 13:14 NIV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Active Forgiveness

I was reading a quote on the Desert Fathers FB group from Seraphim of Serov who said that we must crucify our ego on the Cross of silence.  It got me on a path of thought that lead me to the concept of active forgiveness.  Active forgiveness, as I define it, is forgiveness in the present.  For instance, Jesus asked the Father to forgive those who crucified Him even as they were crusifying Him.  St. Stephen asked for forgiveness for those who were stoning him even as he was being stoned.  Active forgiveness then, seems to go hand and hand with cruisfying our ego on the Cross of silence.  It is necessary in meeting hate to be able to practice active forgiveness in order to evangelize. 

Diabolical Nightmare

Last night I had a dream that I was visited by the spirit of Asmodeus.  I awoke about 3AM (I know!) muttering, ""  I don't remember much other than seeing an image of Asmodeus superimposed over a demon seal (which I thought I could see after I opened my eyes), white or silver outline over a black background.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Jesus often taught in parable and often taught in the temple and synagogue reading the ancient scriptures.

Psalm 78:1-2 NRSV

Give ear, O my people, to my teaching; incline your ears to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings from of old, shared Psalm 78:1-2 NRSV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

White Privilege?

On my way to Kitchener tonight for a taco, because Cindy was at the wedding reception of a coworker, I was listening to CBC--I know...CBC...despicable--Radio's Saturday Night Blues program when I heard Harrison Kennedy's mentor say that if he had closed his eyes he would have thought he was listening to a Black man. I'm not offended. If I were, I wouldn't call for censorship or an apology. What am I b1tch1ng about then? I just want to be treated the same way. Let's all be not offended more.

P.S. I had considered naming this post Black Privilege, but I can't bring myself to be that racy--self censorship. Society won't tolerate such expressions of blatant freedom of expression. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend others. I want them to be not offended and at the same time I want to be totally free.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

It seems like sometimes He has to use a bit to keep us near unfortunately, but mostly not to give us free will and choice.

Psalm 32:9 NIV

Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and bridle or they will not come to you. shared Psalm 32:9 NIV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Log Jam

I discovered more than 30 messages stuck in my Yahoo mail app's outbox for my Android phone.  Some are very old and most were blog posts.  Sorry.

Rev'd Kelly

The Rev'd (Chris? ) Kelly was filling in for Fr. Dan on Sunday.  Paul and I both really liked his homily.   It was refreshing and almost a little anti-Church.  He commented that even the Church can ssometimes get in God's way.

As I read this today, I had three thoughts: some believe the gates of Jerusalem have to be unbricked before Christ will return; Jesus entered the gate of Jerusalem on a donkey; and, we need to open the gate of our hearts to let Christ in.

24:9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.24:10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.  Psalms

I was thinking about Pilot as I read this. Was he innocent?

26:6 I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass thine altar, O LORD:  Psalms

Polarization & Aggression

It feels like we are on the eve of a great purge, like 18th century Paris, if not a civil war.

Race baters and segregationists!

So, The Rt Rev. Mark McDonald has decided to take the Indians out of the ACC; how is this any different than the Essentials movmovement or The Anglican Church in North America or The Diocese of The Great Lakes?  Why is this okay and the others weren't? Where will their funding come from once they leave the ACC?  Or do they want to seperate like Quebec, keeping Canadian currency, trade agreements, and ties with Ottawa? 

Fw: Watch "The history of the atomic bomb all nuclear tests since 1945" on YouTube

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 3:23 am, William Ramier
<> wrote:

Fw: SR-71 Blackbird Pilot Trolls Arrogant Fighter Pilot with Ground Speed Check. | Tribunist

This brings a smile to my face.

On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 1:56 pm, William Ramier
<> wrote:


What with all the hauling down of statues in the States and the renaming push for a school in Canada, I got thinking.  Dad always said tthat we should judge people by the would they lived in and it's standards, not by our standards.  In John A's time, savages were the native inhabitants of a non built up land, usually in a tribal society--much like our ancertors (barbarians).  We are the ones who have given the words their current meanings.

We used to say that when somebody was mentally handicaped that their mental growth and development was held back or retarded.  They were, in fact, retarded.  Somehow, that word became inappropriate to use.  They became challenged, and then special needs.  All of it is double talk.  And people are always angry now,  the perpetually offended.

I'm a racist.

I'm a racist because I believe everybody should be treated equally no matter what. Nobody should be treated special because of the colour of their skin.  Nobody.  Privilege shouldn't be a thing, not based on race.   And, FYI, it's not privilege if you earn it; that's called work.

Christ frees us from the law.

119:45 And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy precepts.  Psalms

The Ascention?

47:5 God is gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet.  Psalms

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

ZZ Top

I spent all day Monday at La Grange with Chandra.  It was a great great day.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Some things cannot be undone.

Some things can't be fixed.  David P from Atomic Blond almost steels one of my most crude lines, which I don't think I ever wrote here as I thought it too vulgar.  Mine went, "You can't [unfv €|<] a virgin."  Meaning, some things--once done--cannot be undone.  David P's line is actually more effective. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

May we be thine.

I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.   John 17:9.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Somebody hears me.

From my grade nine math teacher to the desk sargent at the Toronto police recruiting centre.  Yes!  Oh God so much yes!

Monday, August 21, 2017


Socialism is like being stranded in the desert with a jar and a filter and being told there is an endless water supply...just pee in the jar.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Guns are bad...except when they're not.

Gun nuts, what won't they say?

Sad Day

Money grows on trees!

Wealth Redstribution


It really pi$$es me off that liberals say that we (conservatives) are racist and call Black conservatives "House [N199ers]" (I'm really really sorry to anybody that this term offends, I'm so sorry) when they espouse conservative tenets to refute liberal ideology.

P.S.  That is hate, boiled down to it's pure form.

Vive Voltaire

I saw a post today on FB by a Black Republican that inspired me; if he can stay true to his values when it goes against his feelings, why can't I?  He said that it was hard to say as a black man; I believe he was referring to white supremacists having the right to protest. 

Some say that we shouldn't tolerate the new-nazis protesting in public.  We should tollerate it because it is a free speech issue.  You should tollerate the neo-nazis protesting for the same reason I should tolerate Black Lives Matter protesting.  Besides, I don't believe that they should be censored simply because they are offensive, as the truth of their hate will be evident; I believe that when the truth of the hate is seen, the general masses will turn away from their message.  Besides that, a far grater abuse will take place if we take away the right to protest or the right of free speech.  This is what is at the heart of the issue, the importance of fighting for free speech...even when it gets ugly.  Because, taking away free speech is extremely dangerous.  It helps secure us from tyranny.  Without it, a police state will rise.  And, who decides what is acceptable and what is not?  Who gets to decide what is right and what is wrong?  The people who hold power?  Who decides the black and white of intent or act and weighs the merit of the event?  Using who's values?  How do we challenge government that is in error under such a system?  How do we criticize?  How do we spread unpopular truth?  How do we protect the individual from becoming a political prisoner for being a conscientious objector?  How do we protect the individual's right to freely express themselves, to think as they choose?  And the frightening part, how do we insure this right when the courts themselves are enforcing government legislated censorship?  Do we want a police state?  Thought police?  Of course we don't.  Where do we draw the line?  Should a line be drawn?  I believe it is at freedom of speech (throw in thought, expression, press, etc) and assembly.

NB.: I'm talking about peaceful assembly.

P.S.  I used to say to Chandra when she was little, "Nothing anybody says gives you the right to hit them."

P.P.S.  As an afterthought, how does government legislated censorship shape thought (especially toward the party in power), effect how government makes what they are feeding us more palatable, shape public thought, mask truth, effect changing of ruling party, and impair democracy?  How do we challenge government?  How do we challenge state backed ideology, indoctrination, and propaganda?

P.P.P.S.  The fathers of the Age of Enlightenment penned these fundamental freedoms to protect us...from government and from ourselves.

P.P.P.P.S.  Is it vive Voltaire, vive le Voltaire, or something different?


There's a so called public service ad on Youtube, an anti-racism ad.  One student asks, "What to you call a Muslim flying a plane?", to which a brave crusader responds, "A pilot!", to which there is applause at the bully being put in his place.  But, Islam is not a race.  If anything, it's creedism.  He didn't say an Arab flying a plane, or an East Indian.  While it is a hateful statement, is it racist?  I don't think so.  It may be hate speech.  It may be prejudice.  Under certain conditions, it may lead to discrimination.  But, it's not racism.  And, islamophobia is also a misused term, wielded to strike at the enemies of Islam--by liberals mostly--including Christians and Atheists.  It has gone so far, political correctness in the guise of tolerance, as to shut down honest discussion on the merits of Islam or the critical discussion of it or to debate it's inclusion in public and state sanctioned activities, and also to silence opinion.

Should we allow The Lord's Prayer back in public schools as it once was, despite the secular progression toward the separation of Church and state?  No?  Well then, your a creedist!  I'm offenced that you will not allow my culture to celebrate it's own way.  You're intolerant and simply Christophobic.  How hateful you are... 

P.S.  Christophope!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Be 9 Tonight

It's not cancer. Thanks be to God.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Norse by Norse West

I was watching the official trailer for Thor Ragnorok the other day, and it got me thinking.  In high school, I read all the old Norse tales I could find at the public library and began collecting the Thor comic book.  The old Norse religion is much more conducive to making war.  In a culture that believes that a glorious death in battle is rewarded with a special place in the afterlife,  it makes for some very dangerous warriors.  I started thinking about Christianity and The Crusades.   How did Christians ever make great warriors? In a society whose faith is that of turning the other cheek and love,  how did Christians ever produce effective soldiers? What motivated them?  Were they great warriors in spite of their faith rather than because of it. But, what about the Templars or the Tectonic knights? Why were they able to make war effectively?  Wouldn't the Norse faith be more effective for combating the soldiers of Islam?

Monday, August 7, 2017


Today I did Morning and Evening Prayer in St. James' Holy Acre with my brother Paul. It was good. He didn't participate as such; we brought our coffies and he sat and listened and surfed the net on his smart phone while I prayed each office. He even asked meaningful questions after Evening Prayer.  And, I appreciated him being there.

Am I Ungodly

To my surprise, my recent health woes didn't have me running for my Bible as I always imagined they would, nor did I blame God. I always wanted--in my pride and arrogance perhaps--to choose God in my good times and not be one of those people who run to Him as a last resort in their desperation. I didn't (run to my Bible), and that somehow bothers me a little somehow.


My sins seem to be sicular.  I need to rededicate myself.  I feel the need to.

Bad Like Michael Jakson?

You're not badass.  You think being LGBT Emo Goth Eco-vigilante Punk makes you a rebel?   You're a conformist.  Try being conservative.  That's the true counter cultural.

P.S. You're part of the sheeple.  Stop being a sociaist collectivist anti-individual liberty big government grower.  Get your head out of the shitter and do a little primary research.

P.P.S. At least look at the other side of the argument in earnest and stop with the Straw Man shit.


I don't like how things are either.

I've always been more of a fight with the system than fight the system kind of guy.

P.S. I see myself as more of a Blue Tory.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Still Digesting

I always thought that when it came time for me to die--many years from now, I'd be all stoic like Jacob.  I would know it was my time and be at peace. The events of the last week have been humbling.  It's a very sobering thing to be faced head on with your own mortality.  I'd like to pass with dignity as Nelson did, or King Leonidis; but, I've also done nothing great and accomplished little. 

Friday, August 4, 2017

Chandra's Dream

Chandra had a vivid dream recently that she was chased out of our Church by a demon and then warned us to be wary of new people. 

Olympic Stadium

I wonder how the Romans felt who lived just before the Western Empire fell.  Did they know? Did they see it?  Were they In denial?  Did they doubt the fearmingers and doomsayers?  Were they blindsided?

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Growth is not always a good thing.

So, today had mixed results.  Despite my efforts to be discreet, most of my family know now.  So, I survived my first anesthetic.   I slept through most of it.   However, they found two small polyps.  I expected the worst would be the invasive nature of the procedure.  I actually expected them to find nothing and send me on my way. Those days are gone.  First an ultrasound finds fatty liver, now this. I'm waiting for the biopsy results now.  I am currently still trying to--having difficulty--digesting it all.

P.S.  As I prepared for the worst, I penned a note for Cindy and Chandra...which I can now throw out.

P.P.S. Thanks be to GOD ALMIGHTY for being with me and protecting me.  Amen.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Reading the Psalms today, they made me think about the violence (specifically terrorism) and clash of culture. Our foundation is being destroyed. It made me think about political correctness and double talk, about lies and deception, about social engineering.

Psalm 11-12 NIV

In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: "Flee like a bird to your mountain. For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart. When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them. The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love… shared Psalm 11-12 NIV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Psalm reading today from the Bible makes me see that I shouldn't run from danger and hardship. Trust and let what will be, be.

11:1 In the LORD put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?  Psalms

Bible verse of the day, could it be an omen?

3:24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.  Colossians

Monday, July 31, 2017

A law which shall not pass?

148:2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.148:5 Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.148:6 He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.148:7 Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:  Psalms

Comfort for when you stumble.

37:24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.  Psalms

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Sundays are the worst.

Asmodeus has departed and Acedia is knocking at the door.  I'm back in bed, just laying here.


Last night I had many dreams.  I had several about work, new product launches and other stuff; tomorrow is my first day back after plant shutdown; vacation is always too short.  They were like mini nightmares, brought on by the stress of work no doubt.  The other dreams, two or three, were a plot arch involving a girl I used to know.  It was a most pleasant dream that I wouldn't mind having again.  Vivid, words fail me.  These kind of dreams don't happen all that often anymore; I think I can remember the last two actually (sad I know).  It sucks to wake up sometimes.  Although, I could definitely do without the workmares.  Yeah, no more of those please.  I spend enough time there as it is.

Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me

I'm a little worried about this minor procedure I have to undergo on Aug. 3rd.  I am more worried about the anesthetic than anything.  Two things worry me:  There is a small risk from the anesthetic (which I think means that I may not wake up); There is also the incessant semi-incoherent directionless rambling which follows the immediate post operation recovery.  I'm worried about the things I might say that could hurt or offend loved ones.  Things that I might think, but keep to myself out of love:  e.g. my brother is a welfare bum.  Then, there's the procedure itself.

Aside from there being a small chance of bleeding and also for a perforated bowel, there is also the fact that it is an extremely invasive procedure, this coupled with unpleasant childhood experiences makes it difficult.  This deterred me from having it done a long time ago; but, as my doctor said, I am at high risk.  Normally, it isn't recommended until the age of 50.  But, by then, the horse could be out of the barn as the doctor says.

St. Marry Magdalene's Day

Yesterday was St. Marry Magdalene's Day.  I think she is my favourite woman in the Bible, and possibly my favourite disciple.  Even though I don't put much stock in the gnostic gospel of her name, the love and emotion, understanding and redemption that come through in her words and actions in other Gospels--such as John, enamor her to me.  As a side not, I found the assigned BCP collect strange yesterday as it used the word Spirit and not Ghost.  Watching Marry at Lazarus' tomb in the movie The Gospel of John is almost enough to bring me to tears.  She was the first to discover the empty tomb of any of the disciples.  Primitive society may have given her a lesser role by station, but she was one of Jesus' inner circle.  She was one of the first disciples. 

Maybe we don't have very long left to worry about anything, once the machines take over.

Snakes In A Plane

Snakes that are not poisonous sometimes look like snakes that are.  This is a defense mechanism.  Because, we learn to make cognitions of what is dangerous and then re-cognize that same pattern.  Thus, we will stay away from the snake if it looks dangerous.  This is a learned behavior.  I have posted on here before that, due to the endless violence, I have been questioning my values.  To be blunt, not all snakes fly planes into buildings; therefore, not all snakes are the same.


I think that racism is now like workplace harassment in that, it doesn't matter what your intent was if the other person feels offended by your actions or words.  It is harassment regardless of the intent.

Why do we make the same mistakes over and over again?

Friday, July 21, 2017

I am not a horse.

A little girl once told me that it wasn't fair that women weren't playing in the major leagues.  It's a cosmic unfairness.  Maybe soon, with genetic research and social changes, there won't be genders anyway.  It seems that nobody in the next generation wants to be female anyway (to me), well...except men.  Realizing that I am biased, (I'm an evil straight white man), I never viewed baseball as anything but what it is, or what I see it as--sport.  Athletes are like horses.  I can go to the track to watch a race and enjoy it.  I will never be an athlete any more than I will be a horse.  I can still enjoy the horse.

I was born this gay.

If gender is fluid, as they say that it is now, and the number of bisexual and homosexual persons has grown exponentially, is it possible that the evangelical right was correct in the beginning by saying that sexuality/sexual orientation was a choice and not genetic?

P.S.  Not that I'm overly egocentric, but maybe the genetic argument was introduced (at least to me) to being me to my current (and unchanged) position.  Judge not.

A Truth

Both of these following statements are equally true:  Most Cylons are good people; The Cylons, as a whole, are bad and violence follows them everywhere they go.

My Flag

Dream Fight

I had a dream that I was in an underground MMA tournament. The main baddie killed everybody he fought in the first round, everybody but me. I was squaring off when I noticed a man in the crowd signalling me.  I thought he was telling me to push the sticks. There were these pool noodle looking sticks in the center of the ring. I complied and it caused the antagonist to stumble and loose (on points?).  He was angry and I was the only fighter who faught him who survived in round one.  I knew I'd have to fight him again,  but I woke up. 

Has racism been redefined and am I racist?

Racism.  It's a thing.  But,  can we agree on what it is?  Racism used to be discrimination based on race.  I currently define it myself as treating somebody differently due to their race.  Is it racist every time a white person has a difference of opinion with a black person?  Is it racist if a Chinese man is offended by a Caucasian?  Is it racist if I don't agree with your political views?  Is it racist if I want to treat everybody the same regardless of skin colour, ethnicity, or race; is it racist if I disagree with affirmative action programs?  Is it racism if I fight socialism and the redistribution of wealth? Is it racist for me to tell a black man he is wrong?  Am I racist by being white.

 P.S.  I'm told I am often.  it used to offend me.  Now it angers me more.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

All Good Things

I naively always thought that my blog would be like a time capsule, preserved through time.  It will be destroyed, with or before the fall of the West.  I knew that nothing lasts forever, but I didn't think that I would live through the falling of the West.

I Don't Hate The Poor

You Can Never Go Home Again

I've been troubled by the reemergence of my estranged brother.  He reached out to our mother via a Facebook friend request on the heals of Mom announcing that each of us would be receiving cash from the sale of her home this summer.  Obviously I do not want her to be used and hurt.  I also miss our relationship.   I pray almost daily for him/it/us.  But, I cannot trust him and don't think I ever will be able to again.  Even if I ever mended the relationship,  things would never be the same as they were.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

I'd settle for them just leaving me alone.

56:9 When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.  Psalms

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Handycap Parking

Somebody recently posted on FB that those who complain that there is no straight pride day are the same people who complain about handicap parking being by the door.  I resent this statement.  Besides, there can't possibly be that many handicap people in town.  On a serious note though, the statement is a strawman argument and is dismissive and marginalises those who are struggling with this issue of conscience, even I think it is reactionary and combative myself (to want a straight pride day).

P.S.  We need love in this dialogue--on BOTH sides. Don't fool yourself into thinking that if you have the moral high ground that anything you do is done in love, until you love the people on the other side of the argument (rather than belittling them & spitting spite).


Yesterday was a bad day for the NDD.  And to a lesser extent, so is today as I wait to go to work.  I hate the feeling of purposelessness and wasted years.  God guide me.  Amen.

The Japanese do it. What's so wrong with protecting your culture?

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Have To Be There

I dislike when clergy say that people shouldn't go to Church because they feel obliged to do so.  I get that in the 50s people were in the pews that didn't want to be there.  I understand that people should want to be there.  But, I feel like it's where I should be.  That's a big part of why I want to be there.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Feminism did it!

Could feminism be the cause of so many of the wrongs in Western society? For those of you who haven't tuned out, I was pondering this the other day. Not feminism directly, but rather feminism style thinking, could it have turned all traditional values on their heads and perpetrators into victims in this new society where everybody is one?  Feminism, as a way of thinking, doesn't look just at the facts and what is fair but takes into consideration the social and personal forces that acted on the perpetrator.   More emphasis was placed on understanding why an act was committed--I believe at first in an effort to be proactive about prevention--which ended up generating sympathy for the perpetrator.  With the influences of this feminist style thinking, sympthy generated for the perpetrator moved us away more from punishment (justice) and more toward rehabilitation.   Mitigating circumstances allowed for less and less punishment.  We began to look less at the harm of the act and more at the removal of responsibility from the perpetrator.  Victim rights went by the wayside--with distain growing for retribution--as we moved from justice for the families to offenders rights.  I'm not blaming women here.  Men are equally guilty, as far back as courts have given lenient sentences to women for equal crimes comitted.  There is an obvious link between feminism and women.  Feminist style of though is not exclusive to women, however I think we can take the point for argument's sake to be true that women (as a group) have a higher than average representation of this thought style.

There's no question that women have had a profound influence on our society in the last century--a lot of times for the good.  The legal ramifications of woman being able to vote since at least 1919 are undeniable. Policy and policy decisions were influenced as legislators were influenced by the metamorphosized elecetorite. A case in point is Agnes Macphaile's prison reforms of the early 1900s.  They took into serious consideration the treatment of the inmates.  Tradional thinking was both to protect society from perpetrators reoffending as well as maintaining order through the discouragement of vigilante justice by adequate punishment for those who harmed others.  Feminist style thinking has permitted our culture.  In a world (society) where victimhood can be feined for advantage, there is no shortage of victims and advocacy groups, from child terriorists and black lives matter to child porn art owning pedophiles and anti wage gap advocates.

I'm not intentionally trying to be ambiguous.   My apologies if you are confused.   I'm not saying that the problems of society are the fault of women or that most women are feminists.   I'm submitting for consideration my supposition that the current mess of society regarding victimhood and the shirking of personal responsibility specifically--and maybe the defense of citizens and society, are due primarily to feminist style thinking.

Under Construction...


I'm not asking clergy to walk on egg shells. I'm asking them to minister to all. Don't eat meat around those who can't or won't.

Old Laby

So, many years ago when we lived in Barrie--I think--I exited the mall to find a car touching mine. I decided to wait for the driver. I was disapointed/sad to see a little old lady come to claim the car. I explained that she had hit my car. But, feeling bad, said that there probably wasn't any damage and that I would back up my car to take a look. I backed up, got out, and joined the lady at the front of the car. Then she exclaimed that they weren't even touching. I wanted to slug her.

P.S. I should have taken a picture. Document everything kids!

Little Rex

I had this strange dream a few days ago.  I was in a van with Chandra and Dad was driving.  We were going up a hill and then in became very steep and then snow covered.  We began to slide and the right front tire fell over the side of the road.  We rolled off the road and over a cliff.  Chandra and I fell out of the van.  I cradled her to prevent her from any harm.  We landed okay in a shallow river somehow.  I put her up on a slab of stone near the river bank.  I thought to myself that if I died in the river/wild, she would probably be okay as she was a baby T-rex, about 45 pounds (with an oversize head).  Then, just down stream, I noticed some guys that wanted to help.  They were moving stones to try to lower the water level (natural dam?) to tow us I think.  Strange...


Some @$$h01e hit my car and walked away, probably a door ding in a parking lot.  The first new car I've ever owned now has a dent in the passenger side rear door.  I'm p1$$d.


I still think that the worst thing to happen to the West in my lifetime was the fall of the Soviet Union.  We knew the bad guy, but we didn't fight.  Our side prospered, and we were made to prosper to prevent the spread of socialism.  Terrorism wasn't tolerated, partly in fear if what it might provoke.  Each side kept their rogue states and baddies under control.  Mutually Assured Destruction worked pretty good.

Oh no!

This is like that time in college when I took that survey and found out that I was an alcoholic.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Black Wives Madder

Sometimes people see things where they don't exist, like an attractive young black woman thinking the store staff are racist when being followed around the store by a horny old white sales clerk. True story.

Monday, July 3, 2017

I Love Sowell

Have I ever told you I'm a fan of Sowell? Happy Birthday!

I am not a criminal!

Enough with the lies about guns!

I've probably posted this before; but, with all the anti gun sentiment in the media of late, here it is again:

Fw: 11 Million

On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 10:21 am, William Ramier
<> wrote:
This might be perceived as the most racist thing I've ever written; our people are dying off.  Because the average couple only have 1.4 children, our population is shrinking.  And, because there's a moral panic--of sorts--people have convinced themselves that the only way society will succeed is through mass immigration.  People don't assimilate. They don't become Canadian.  We did just fine with a prewar population of 11 million.  Rather than restructuring and becoming lean and efficient,  we need to maintain 30+ million.  Thanks to a massive federal debt, the GDP of a shrinking population just wouldn't cut it.  Because of idiots like Turdo publicly announcing from the rooftops that we are the first post national state (no culture of our own)--and running up massive debt--Canadians won't be playing street hockey in 50 years; we won't be exporting hockey to the world.  We'll be known for cricket.  You may find this an extremely racist view.  You may see me as xenophobic.  It is truth.  What makes me evil--in the view of some--is simply the desire to protect my own culture/heritage and people.  They don't exist anywhere but here, and they're dying out.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

More Misinformation on Guns

Home is where the domus is.

Have I ever told you that one of my silly dreams Is to live in Roman Domus? It is!


Thou Shalt Leave Them The Fv3|< Alone

Why do we always have to be forcing other people to do things they don't want to do?

My Turn

I had a messed up dream last night.  I was at an evangelical Church where the Devil was at the door like a doorman.  I gave him a nod (tip of the hat) as I entered and received some flack from the Church goers.  They asked me if I thought he was God.  I said something like no, but he was a heavenly being and deserved respect.  The subject quickly changed as I asked them to explain the mystery of the Trinity to me.  I was ushered into a room rather than taken to where I was originally supposed to go, a room full of youth.  The youth leader was speaking when two lesbians stood up and began kissing in the group.  The youth leader became very angry and the two youth were kicked out of the Church.  The crowd and the youth leader were speechless, as was the Church Pastor.  I asked the Pastor if it would be alright if I spoke and addressed the group.  I took a Bible up with me, opened to Romans 14.  I told them that what I was about to say may not be right (I said this mostly to appease the Pastor), but it was how I had come to understand things.  I said that what the two girls had done was wrong.  But, it not for the reason they were probably thinking.  I said that there was nothing inherently wrong in the act itself, but that they had intended to be disruptive and hurtful with their action; and, for that reason it was wrong.  I told them that the two girls believed it was good to eat meat and that they shouldn't tell them differently and argue with them, that they shouldn't have kicked them out.  They should have kept them in the Church.  I went outside and found them.  I explained that what they had done was wrong, because they had caused dissension and quarreling.  I explained that the people in the Church thought it was wrong to eat meat, and that the two girls should not eat meat in front of them.  When I awoke, I made mental notes to remember the important parts of the dream.  I vaguely remember going back inside and wanting everybody to sing a happy uniting hymn, but I'm not sure if that was actually part of the dream or something I thought upon waking up.

P.S.  In retrospect, I realize that the struggle will not be Christians vs. The Gay Community in the far future as a direct result of The Great Replacement; Christians will not factor into the equation. 

P.P.S.  Don't get distracted with eating or not eating meat; as St. Paul said, we should remain focused on the prize.

Bad Run

I didn't finish my run yesterday and I was disappointed with myself.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Cindy's Dream

Normally strange dreams are my domain.   Cindy had a dream about my step-father going outside and the front picture window being broken.  Mom's birthday just passed and they also just announced they are not moving down home.  They've been on our minds; or, could it be an omen?

I'm angry!

I hate aging.  It actually angers me.  Fv3k it!  I'm going to fight it all the way.


So I was pondering, I wonder if the people of early 20th century Chicago hated the Italian immigrants for the mob violence?

Asian Motorists, a stereotype?

The following might seem a little racist:  Hundreds of years ago, the Samurai Warrior was supposed to dispatch an opponent in something like three moves.  Anything more was inefficient and wasteful.  This is just an observation:  Watching them park at work, I think, "What the [fv3k] happened?"

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Last Night's Strange Dream

Another apocalyptic dream, this one had a few zombies--not a main theme a majority of the time--but not many.  My major concern was getting my cousin to teach me how to skin and clean a deer and collecting tools and bananas.  I remembe a farmer committing suicide by blowing up his barn; he couldn't deal with the reality that everything was gone.   I, of course had my .30-30, but didn't use it.  I was planning on hunting deer.  I also was looking for wire to catch rabbits and a fileting knife for some reason.   I don't fish, nor did I plan to.  After waking and reflecting,  I wonder how many people will survive when $h1t goes South?

Is it ethical?

Post deleted...
 See post regarding RCMP gun stats.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

You Cannot Serve Two Masters

Just a thought, maybe you can't serve God and the law.  I've aways read the verse as God vs. sin; what if it's God vs. the law?

That Feeling You Get

When it's only Saturday night but you're already dreading Monday.

Friday, June 23, 2017


The people that say to leave politics at home and cooperate are the absolute worst about doing it and use that line only to shut down debate.


My favourite part of the Karate Kid is when Daniel (after a melt down) realized for himself--has an epiphany--that the old man was actually teaching him karate.

We Are Truly Sorry and We Humbly Repent

I always dislike saying this part of the confession, because I understand the perpetual nature of sin.  The good that comes from it is that it makes one very conscious of the fault the lies within us while bolstering a desire to do better moving forward.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Is It Enough

Is it enough to know that you didn't do it when the other person thinks you did? Is it enough to know yourself that you are innocent? Do you just cut your losses?

Sunday, June 18, 2017


To my FATHER in Heaven:

May Your name be glorified.  May your rule come here like it is in Heaven. May Your will be what is done. Give to us what we need. Forgive us for our many failings. We will forgive our brothers and sisters in the same way. Please save us from tempting. Rescue us from evil. In your kingdom, to You belong all power and glory, for all of eternity. In Jesus' name I ask for these things. Amen.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Fw: Father's Day

--- On Sun, 6/18/17, William Ramier <> wrote:

> From: William Ramier <>
> Subject: Father's Day
> To: Wramier.godwallblog@blogger.comr
> Date: Sunday, June 18, 2017, 10:15 AM
> Rather than write about my father or
> step-father, I thought I'd write about being a father. 
> To those who are not, I want you to know that it is the most
> rewarding, heartwrenching, painful, and proud things I have
> ever had the privilege to be.

The Temple to The Unknown God

There is so much idolatry in the ACC now; and, I know my evangelical friends would say, "Amen brother!"  But, I'm not talking about the stained glass or the silver cup.  I'm not talking about the altar or the vestments.  I'm not talking about rite and ritual.  I'm talking about the Gaia worship, the veneration of Marx through the adoration of his gospel, the worship of the god of political correctness and his bastard demigod son affirmative action.  It has become more important to work to these ends using the Church (with words like stewardship, marginalized, and fair share) than to preach the Gospel, eat with the outcasts and sinners, comfort the sick and suffering, and worship Him in spirit and truth.

Last Night's Strange Dream

Last night I dreamt that I was playing a new version of Battlefield and I found a hidden re-spawn point for Ford vehicles. I was excited to learn that there was a modified Ford van with everything. It had med packs, food rations, kit changes, medic paddles, machine guns. I was trying ro get friends to form a squad to use this van for support on a raid. Then, I was looking in a bathroom mirror in a bathroom like in the old farm house. I discovered that I had contracted viral asian downs syndrome from somebody who had it.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Home is where the house is.

One of the things that bothers me in life is that, because we didn't own our first home until five years ago, we moved several times and Chandra may not have a place that feels like a childhood home. My home will always be the farm in Quebec. Chandra had three homes before she was 15. I wonder if any feel like home, Patricia Rd., Ontario St., McNab St.?

Strange Dreaming

First, I was at a job interview when I noticed that I was in my underwear. Then they thought that I had stolen a bazooka that I paid for when I left. After that I was working on a work project at home where I roughed up a coworker for a comment made after Chandra fell several times, accusing me of hurting her. Later, I was on a team/squad that seemed to have members from SG1 on it. We were tasked with stopping a missile launch. The dreams seemed to move along quickly and be unconnected. I'm not sure about how the transition happened from one to another or what they mean.

Friday, June 16, 2017

No, Liberals. The United States Is NOT The Murder Capital Of The World. - Chicks On The Right

Sheep to the Slaughter

You do not have the right to defend yourself. You are not allowed to own firearns in Canada for self defense. Even mentioning that as your intention is enough to have the government pull your PAL making you a criminal libel to five years in prison. Running, hiding, begging for your life are acceptable options. It is more important that you loose your life than fight back. For the record, I own no firearms for self defense; I do like sports shooting.


Americans have so much more disposable income than we do. Their taxes are so much lower. Because they are so much less socialist than we are, they retain more of what they earn to spend or save and to better themselves. Socialiam isn't just debilitating to the people who take the hand outs.

Classic Movie Monsters

I had a strange dream last night. There were all kinds of bad guys. King Kong was a good guy. He and I snuck into the bad guy lair where I was trying hard to not get caught eating chips. Godzilla was the head bad guy. Naturally I ended up running into him. I'm not sure where King Kong went. I tried to reason with Godzilla. Then I woke up.

Aging sucks. I have noticed it, thinning hair, loss of muscle mass--forearms and quads, grey hairs here and there, aching joints; I intend to fight it all the way.

12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;12:2 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:12:3 In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened,12:4 And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low;12:5 Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:12:6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.  Ecclesiastes

Friday, June 9, 2017

Facebook posts from 2012 & 2013 are such a mess.

What a mess I made of this blog with all those posts of Facebook pages.  My recommendation is that you use the side links to navigate through posts when they are too long.  It's a lot of clutter.

God Found by Science

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ima tribble speeler!

These two things are true:  I am a terrible speller; I take pride in writing correctly (spelling, punctuation, grammar).  I have recently updated my smart phone app for my Yahoo e-mail and discovered that it has some serious glitches, jumping around in the body of the text while I'm typing.  Sometimes I catch it; sometimes I don't.  It also spells worse than I do (very limited dictionary).  So, to make a long story boring as Dad would say, here is my point:  Do not let the misspelled words and grammar distract you from the message of the blog post.  Worse yet, sometimes I intentionally misspell works for effect and when reading the post months later I am unsure of the original intent.  Enjoy.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Fw: Fatcycle

On Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 7:47 pm, William Ramier
&lt;> wrote:

The hallmark of our sloth entitled society are people who consume so much food that they become too fat to contribute to society.   They are rewarded by society by being supported with the money of others, sort of like the Roman Equestrian class.  Social assistance even provides them with electric tricycles.

Date Night

What do you mean you can't get a date?   No guy should be unable to find a date if you follow these simple instructions.  Head down to the end of St. Vincent street or the South end of Home St.  Announce in a loud indiscreet conspicuous manner that you are single and childless but can't find a nice girl, with a steady job that pays well, very lonely and without condoms.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

I am not a racist.

Don't fall into their mould under their constant attack because it is easy.  Define yourself by dictating your own values.  Fight to stay true to yourself.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

I'm Not Jesus

I was thinking the other day about righteous anger.  Jesus upsetting the tables of the money changers was righteous anger.  Looking back at the times of great anger in my life, the times I felt so right to be angry have been made less certain by the distance of time.  The anger toward my supervisor at Hendrickson when I lost my job, it was not righteous at all.  The fights with my parents in my late teens when we were both so stubborn,  it was not righteous at all.  The rage at being late for Mass at the Priory, may God forgive me.  I'm not sure I can.


How great would it be if we (I) could take comfort in God during trouble?

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Psalm 37:8 NIV from Bible Gateway

Psalm 37:8 NIV

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. shared Psalm 37:8 NIV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Lead by example. Never forget that you are being watched.

5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.5:15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.  Matthew

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Murderers & Liars

 The majority of people think The Ten Commandments say to not kill and to not tell a lie.  Most translations, however, say do not murder or be a false witness against somebody, not specifically do not lie or kill.

Exodus 20 NIV

And God spoke all these words: "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. "You shall have no other gods before me. "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me… shared Exodus 20 NIV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Boot Punch Theory Part II

Maybe we do see the punched tongue--like the corner lifting on wallpaper--but are hesitant to pick at it for fear of a challenge to our sanity or of the truth.

Sent from Yahoo mail on Android

Boot Punch Theory

If we are demented in an old age home, living life over, remembering life in flashback, or living some kind of reincarnated existence, we should see something that tells us.  When the military sells already used boots to surplus stores, they punch the tongues of the boots so that everybody knows that they have already had one go around and are not stolen.  So, if this existence is not the first, we should see something that doesn't look right.  There should be a punched tongue somewhere.

Not The Money

It's not about the money.   It's about what you can do with the money.  It's about quality of life.  I don't begrudge people this standard.  Everybody should enjoy affluence.   The more the better.  It makes the whole economy better off with more wealth for us all and we become exponentially better.

P.S.  This post has been in my head for weeks, long before Fr. Dan's sermon two Sundays ago about abundant life.


Sunday's Gospel reading proclaimed that those follow Christ would never be put to shame, an enheartening promise.  May it always be so.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Every year around vacation time, I like to pretend I don't have a job anymore, not in the I can't pay my mortgage and I'm going to loose my house kind of way, but in the independently wealthy I don't have to ever work again kind of way. 


I had a few strange dreams lately.   A few days ago I had a vivid dream involving my presence in a world war, steam trains, pirate ships, and mermaids.  And, they were all in the same dream.  Before that, in a different dream, I was a powerful monster fighting in a conflict.   I changed sides in the conflict unawares and could tell that I was unsettled by this.  I knew because I had a sword that changed colour to indicate side I was on, and I was unsure.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Bay of Pigs Invasion?

And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.   Matthew 8:32.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

I'm Mature Baby! Wooo!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."  Sigmund Freud

Haters Gonna Hate

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."  Teddy Roosevelt 

Who Has A Vagina?

The reason I become impassioned when speaking against affirmative action is that I have lost out on opportunities because of it. 

Here's Your Award What's Your Rush

I received a ten year's service award tonight from the CRC; however, I feel like I'm about to be given the bum's rush.  The new format to ensure that volunteers are engaged is heavy handed and punitive.  They don't know how to appreciate volunteers.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


People have no ability for critical thinking anymore.  I hate being told by the recently informed appallingly shocked person that Sunny D uses a colouring dye used in rope!  Well, did you know that water is a key ingredient in a chemical solution used in industrial coolant at ACI?  

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Fw: Police

On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 3:00 pm, William Ramier
<> wrote:
When asked, most people will probably respond that the police are here to enforce the laws.  They really should be here to protect us from each other, and thereby maintain order. They should serve the people, not the government. 

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

What if you can't tell which ones are the snatchers?

Monday, March 27, 2017


Once you allow a vampire into your home, you are powerless against it.

A one room forrest mountain side stone hermitage accessible only on foot with a wood fireplace, bed, kitchen table, prayer books & Bible, cupboards, kneeler, within a quarter mile of a stream, large iron pot, spit, plate, cup, & bowl, knife, fork & spoon, grill, axe, knives, grind stone, rabbit wire, hoe, spade, some vegetable seeds, and at least 50 miles from another human being. Hammer, anvil, saw, bellows, adze, optional. Matches and paper & a desk might be nice, but...meh. The Desert Fathers had it right you know.

Today isn't the first day I've thought about living in a hermitage.  I need to live apart from the world, but that's not practical.  Maybe, I can do it at home...if I stop watching the news and using social media etc....  But, is that realistic and/or achievable?

My Salvation AND Honor

My salvation and honor depend on God; he is my strong protector; he is my shelter.

Psalm 62:7 GNT


Proverbs 3:25 GNT

You will not have to worry about sudden disasters, such as come on the wicked like a storm. shared Proverbs 3:25 GNT with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Crtl Alt Del

I recently (sometime this month) became aware of a new political movement.  I was unaware of the Alt-right or what it was.  After educating myself some on the movement, I am worried about the escalation of aggression.  With movements like the Alt-right and groups like the Sons of Odin, we are on a collision course with race riots and worse.  I've been worrying about a lot of this crap of late.  I think I need to take Luke 12:22-31 to heart.


Once the terriformed land of Mordor spreads out under the influence of Sauron and overtakes the Shire, to where will the Hobbits retreat to live free?