Monday, July 3, 2017

My Turn

I had a messed up dream last night.  I was at an evangelical Church where the Devil was at the door like a doorman.  I gave him a nod (tip of the hat) as I entered and received some flack from the Church goers.  They asked me if I thought he was God.  I said something like no, but he was a heavenly being and deserved respect.  The subject quickly changed as I asked them to explain the mystery of the Trinity to me.  I was ushered into a room rather than taken to where I was originally supposed to go, a room full of youth.  The youth leader was speaking when two lesbians stood up and began kissing in the group.  The youth leader became very angry and the two youth were kicked out of the Church.  The crowd and the youth leader were speechless, as was the Church Pastor.  I asked the Pastor if it would be alright if I spoke and addressed the group.  I took a Bible up with me, opened to Romans 14.  I told them that what I was about to say may not be right (I said this mostly to appease the Pastor), but it was how I had come to understand things.  I said that what the two girls had done was wrong.  But, it not for the reason they were probably thinking.  I said that there was nothing inherently wrong in the act itself, but that they had intended to be disruptive and hurtful with their action; and, for that reason it was wrong.  I told them that the two girls believed it was good to eat meat and that they shouldn't tell them differently and argue with them, that they shouldn't have kicked them out.  They should have kept them in the Church.  I went outside and found them.  I explained that what they had done was wrong, because they had caused dissension and quarreling.  I explained that the people in the Church thought it was wrong to eat meat, and that the two girls should not eat meat in front of them.  When I awoke, I made mental notes to remember the important parts of the dream.  I vaguely remember going back inside and wanting everybody to sing a happy uniting hymn, but I'm not sure if that was actually part of the dream or something I thought upon waking up.

P.S.  In retrospect, I realize that the struggle will not be Christians vs. The Gay Community in the far future as a direct result of The Great Replacement; Christians will not factor into the equation. 

P.P.S.  Don't get distracted with eating or not eating meat; as St. Paul said, we should remain focused on the prize.

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