Monday, July 3, 2017

Fw: 11 Million

On Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 10:21 am, William Ramier
<> wrote:
This might be perceived as the most racist thing I've ever written; our people are dying off.  Because the average couple only have 1.4 children, our population is shrinking.  And, because there's a moral panic--of sorts--people have convinced themselves that the only way society will succeed is through mass immigration.  People don't assimilate. They don't become Canadian.  We did just fine with a prewar population of 11 million.  Rather than restructuring and becoming lean and efficient,  we need to maintain 30+ million.  Thanks to a massive federal debt, the GDP of a shrinking population just wouldn't cut it.  Because of idiots like Turdo publicly announcing from the rooftops that we are the first post national state (no culture of our own)--and running up massive debt--Canadians won't be playing street hockey in 50 years; we won't be exporting hockey to the world.  We'll be known for cricket.  You may find this an extremely racist view.  You may see me as xenophobic.  It is truth.  What makes me evil--in the view of some--is simply the desire to protect my own culture/heritage and people.  They don't exist anywhere but here, and they're dying out.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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