Sunday, July 23, 2017

St. Marry Magdalene's Day

Yesterday was St. Marry Magdalene's Day.  I think she is my favourite woman in the Bible, and possibly my favourite disciple.  Even though I don't put much stock in the gnostic gospel of her name, the love and emotion, understanding and redemption that come through in her words and actions in other Gospels--such as John, enamor her to me.  As a side not, I found the assigned BCP collect strange yesterday as it used the word Spirit and not Ghost.  Watching Marry at Lazarus' tomb in the movie The Gospel of John is almost enough to bring me to tears.  She was the first to discover the empty tomb of any of the disciples.  Primitive society may have given her a lesser role by station, but she was one of Jesus' inner circle.  She was one of the first disciples. 

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