Friday, July 7, 2017

Feminism did it!

Could feminism be the cause of so many of the wrongs in Western society? For those of you who haven't tuned out, I was pondering this the other day. Not feminism directly, but rather feminism style thinking, could it have turned all traditional values on their heads and perpetrators into victims in this new society where everybody is one?  Feminism, as a way of thinking, doesn't look just at the facts and what is fair but takes into consideration the social and personal forces that acted on the perpetrator.   More emphasis was placed on understanding why an act was committed--I believe at first in an effort to be proactive about prevention--which ended up generating sympathy for the perpetrator.  With the influences of this feminist style thinking, sympthy generated for the perpetrator moved us away more from punishment (justice) and more toward rehabilitation.   Mitigating circumstances allowed for less and less punishment.  We began to look less at the harm of the act and more at the removal of responsibility from the perpetrator.  Victim rights went by the wayside--with distain growing for retribution--as we moved from justice for the families to offenders rights.  I'm not blaming women here.  Men are equally guilty, as far back as courts have given lenient sentences to women for equal crimes comitted.  There is an obvious link between feminism and women.  Feminist style of though is not exclusive to women, however I think we can take the point for argument's sake to be true that women (as a group) have a higher than average representation of this thought style.

There's no question that women have had a profound influence on our society in the last century--a lot of times for the good.  The legal ramifications of woman being able to vote since at least 1919 are undeniable. Policy and policy decisions were influenced as legislators were influenced by the metamorphosized elecetorite. A case in point is Agnes Macphaile's prison reforms of the early 1900s.  They took into serious consideration the treatment of the inmates.  Tradional thinking was both to protect society from perpetrators reoffending as well as maintaining order through the discouragement of vigilante justice by adequate punishment for those who harmed others.  Feminist style thinking has permitted our culture.  In a world (society) where victimhood can be feined for advantage, there is no shortage of victims and advocacy groups, from child terriorists and black lives matter to child porn art owning pedophiles and anti wage gap advocates.

I'm not intentionally trying to be ambiguous.   My apologies if you are confused.   I'm not saying that the problems of society are the fault of women or that most women are feminists.   I'm submitting for consideration my supposition that the current mess of society regarding victimhood and the shirking of personal responsibility specifically--and maybe the defense of citizens and society, are due primarily to feminist style thinking.

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