Friday, July 7, 2017

Little Rex

I had this strange dream a few days ago.  I was in a van with Chandra and Dad was driving.  We were going up a hill and then in became very steep and then snow covered.  We began to slide and the right front tire fell over the side of the road.  We rolled off the road and over a cliff.  Chandra and I fell out of the van.  I cradled her to prevent her from any harm.  We landed okay in a shallow river somehow.  I put her up on a slab of stone near the river bank.  I thought to myself that if I died in the river/wild, she would probably be okay as she was a baby T-rex, about 45 pounds (with an oversize head).  Then, just down stream, I noticed some guys that wanted to help.  They were moving stones to try to lower the water level (natural dam?) to tow us I think.  Strange...

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