Sunday, July 23, 2017

Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Me

I'm a little worried about this minor procedure I have to undergo on Aug. 3rd.  I am more worried about the anesthetic than anything.  Two things worry me:  There is a small risk from the anesthetic (which I think means that I may not wake up); There is also the incessant semi-incoherent directionless rambling which follows the immediate post operation recovery.  I'm worried about the things I might say that could hurt or offend loved ones.  Things that I might think, but keep to myself out of love:  e.g. my brother is a welfare bum.  Then, there's the procedure itself.

Aside from there being a small chance of bleeding and also for a perforated bowel, there is also the fact that it is an extremely invasive procedure, this coupled with unpleasant childhood experiences makes it difficult.  This deterred me from having it done a long time ago; but, as my doctor said, I am at high risk.  Normally, it isn't recommended until the age of 50.  But, by then, the horse could be out of the barn as the doctor says.

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