Friday, July 21, 2017

Has racism been redefined and am I racist?

Racism.  It's a thing.  But,  can we agree on what it is?  Racism used to be discrimination based on race.  I currently define it myself as treating somebody differently due to their race.  Is it racist every time a white person has a difference of opinion with a black person?  Is it racist if a Chinese man is offended by a Caucasian?  Is it racist if I don't agree with your political views?  Is it racist if I want to treat everybody the same regardless of skin colour, ethnicity, or race; is it racist if I disagree with affirmative action programs?  Is it racism if I fight socialism and the redistribution of wealth? Is it racist for me to tell a black man he is wrong?  Am I racist by being white.

 P.S.  I'm told I am often.  it used to offend me.  Now it angers me more.

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