Friday, December 22, 2017

William's Guide to Being a Good Atheist

The Four Primary Rules

1.  Treat people of faith how you want them to treat you, not how religion has offended against you.  This rule can be expanded to include all people.

2.  All people should be free in thought, belief and expression.  Ideas should be expressed openly and freely in society,  not wrongly punished as they once were by the church.

3.  Judge a person--if you must judge them--not by their words or creed, but by their actions.

4. People are evil by nature and pursue their own self interests while helping others requires sacrifice of self to some degree.   No misguided creed should be used to accuse.  Neither should it be used to affirm.  Help others when they need help--if you can help--while accepting help from all who offer it to you and you will escape evil.

If you truly believe that the world would be better without religion or that all wars have been about reigion, that's fine.  There's nothing wrong with that.   If you hate God, that's odd but okay too.  The only problem is when we force others to think or act in a certain way, to conform, to self censor.  This list is not all inclusive or final.  It is a place to start.

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Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.