Saturday, September 23, 2017

Tonight's vivid dream is brought to you by the letter Vampire.

I had a dream about an English Bachelor vampire who lived in peace and relative poverty or obscurity with his premonition vision having human friend in a small fortlet/castle on a tiny (less than a ache) close offshore island from the British main islands (1/4 mile), set in the Victorian era.  The vampire was a collector of small non precious artifacts and would periodically have them delivered by schooner or brig.  He was also fond of hosting guests and visitors. One such set were a group of relic hunters pretending to be traveling entertainers who robbed the safe in the fort.  The robbery was solved/foiled by the vision having friend.  What was a theft mystery became a murder mystery as a love triangle developed between the vampire, his friend, and the friend's wife.  The friend warned the vampire about a vision where he found them together and killed the vampire.  The friend seemed remorseful and worried. The vampire thought it was absurd and reassured the friend.  The night of the event, the friend stayed up until dawn worried and to prevent the event.  By sun rise all was well, and the vampire left for his chamber.  That's when a chance meeting between the vampire and the lady occurred near the staircase where they embraced.  They were found standing in embrace in the vampire's chamber by the friend who was consumed with rage.  He assaulted the vampire who effortlessly threw him aside.  Feeling remorseful and relenting, he allowed the friend to recover and he charged a second time, pushing the vampire's head face first into what looked like a mineral encrusted stone castle wall, killing him Instantly.  Vampire's don't like salt?  It looked like salt.  Strange dream.

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