Saturday, September 16, 2017

White Privilege?

On my way to Kitchener tonight for a taco, because Cindy was at the wedding reception of a coworker, I was listening to CBC--I know...CBC...despicable--Radio's Saturday Night Blues program when I heard Harrison Kennedy's mentor say that if he had closed his eyes he would have thought he was listening to a Black man. I'm not offended. If I were, I wouldn't call for censorship or an apology. What am I b1tch1ng about then? I just want to be treated the same way. Let's all be not offended more.

P.S. I had considered naming this post Black Privilege, but I can't bring myself to be that racy--self censorship. Society won't tolerate such expressions of blatant freedom of expression. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to offend others. I want them to be not offended and at the same time I want to be totally free.

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Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.