Sunday, August 13, 2017


There's a so called public service ad on Youtube, an anti-racism ad.  One student asks, "What to you call a Muslim flying a plane?", to which a brave crusader responds, "A pilot!", to which there is applause at the bully being put in his place.  But, Islam is not a race.  If anything, it's creedism.  He didn't say an Arab flying a plane, or an East Indian.  While it is a hateful statement, is it racist?  I don't think so.  It may be hate speech.  It may be prejudice.  Under certain conditions, it may lead to discrimination.  But, it's not racism.  And, islamophobia is also a misused term, wielded to strike at the enemies of Islam--by liberals mostly--including Christians and Atheists.  It has gone so far, political correctness in the guise of tolerance, as to shut down honest discussion on the merits of Islam or the critical discussion of it or to debate it's inclusion in public and state sanctioned activities, and also to silence opinion.

Should we allow The Lord's Prayer back in public schools as it once was, despite the secular progression toward the separation of Church and state?  No?  Well then, your a creedist!  I'm offenced that you will not allow my culture to celebrate it's own way.  You're intolerant and simply Christophobic.  How hateful you are... 

P.S.  Christophope!

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