Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Norse by Norse West

I was watching the official trailer for Thor Ragnorok the other day, and it got me thinking.  In high school, I read all the old Norse tales I could find at the public library and began collecting the Thor comic book.  The old Norse religion is much more conducive to making war.  In a culture that believes that a glorious death in battle is rewarded with a special place in the afterlife,  it makes for some very dangerous warriors.  I started thinking about Christianity and The Crusades.   How did Christians ever make great warriors? In a society whose faith is that of turning the other cheek and love,  how did Christians ever produce effective soldiers? What motivated them?  Were they great warriors in spite of their faith rather than because of it. But, what about the Templars or the Tectonic knights? Why were they able to make war effectively?  Wouldn't the Norse faith be more effective for combating the soldiers of Islam?

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