Sunday, August 13, 2017

Vive Voltaire

I saw a post today on FB by a Black Republican that inspired me; if he can stay true to his values when it goes against his feelings, why can't I?  He said that it was hard to say as a black man; I believe he was referring to white supremacists having the right to protest. 

Some say that we shouldn't tolerate the new-nazis protesting in public.  We should tollerate it because it is a free speech issue.  You should tollerate the neo-nazis protesting for the same reason I should tolerate Black Lives Matter protesting.  Besides, I don't believe that they should be censored simply because they are offensive, as the truth of their hate will be evident; I believe that when the truth of the hate is seen, the general masses will turn away from their message.  Besides that, a far grater abuse will take place if we take away the right to protest or the right of free speech.  This is what is at the heart of the issue, the importance of fighting for free speech...even when it gets ugly.  Because, taking away free speech is extremely dangerous.  It helps secure us from tyranny.  Without it, a police state will rise.  And, who decides what is acceptable and what is not?  Who gets to decide what is right and what is wrong?  The people who hold power?  Who decides the black and white of intent or act and weighs the merit of the event?  Using who's values?  How do we challenge government that is in error under such a system?  How do we criticize?  How do we spread unpopular truth?  How do we protect the individual from becoming a political prisoner for being a conscientious objector?  How do we protect the individual's right to freely express themselves, to think as they choose?  And the frightening part, how do we insure this right when the courts themselves are enforcing government legislated censorship?  Do we want a police state?  Thought police?  Of course we don't.  Where do we draw the line?  Should a line be drawn?  I believe it is at freedom of speech (throw in thought, expression, press, etc) and assembly.

NB.: I'm talking about peaceful assembly.

P.S.  I used to say to Chandra when she was little, "Nothing anybody says gives you the right to hit them."

P.P.S.  As an afterthought, how does government legislated censorship shape thought (especially toward the party in power), effect how government makes what they are feeding us more palatable, shape public thought, mask truth, effect changing of ruling party, and impair democracy?  How do we challenge government?  How do we challenge state backed ideology, indoctrination, and propaganda?

P.P.P.S.  The fathers of the Age of Enlightenment penned these fundamental freedoms to protect us...from government and from ourselves.

P.P.P.P.S.  Is it vive Voltaire, vive le Voltaire, or something different?

1 comment:

  1. I was wrong, he was talking about something else; but, I'm going to take the inspiration and run with it. Besides, he is a great man and a great conservative. ...and he does inspire me.


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