Thursday, August 3, 2017

Growth is not always a good thing.

So, today had mixed results.  Despite my efforts to be discreet, most of my family know now.  So, I survived my first anesthetic.   I slept through most of it.   However, they found two small polyps.  I expected the worst would be the invasive nature of the procedure.  I actually expected them to find nothing and send me on my way. Those days are gone.  First an ultrasound finds fatty liver, now this. I'm waiting for the biopsy results now.  I am currently still trying to--having difficulty--digesting it all.

P.S.  As I prepared for the worst, I penned a note for Cindy and Chandra...which I can now throw out.

P.P.S. Thanks be to GOD ALMIGHTY for being with me and protecting me.  Amen.

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