Monday, March 27, 2017

A one room forrest mountain side stone hermitage accessible only on foot with a wood fireplace, bed, kitchen table, prayer books & Bible, cupboards, kneeler, within a quarter mile of a stream, large iron pot, spit, plate, cup, & bowl, knife, fork & spoon, grill, axe, knives, grind stone, rabbit wire, hoe, spade, some vegetable seeds, and at least 50 miles from another human being. Hammer, anvil, saw, bellows, adze, optional. Matches and paper & a desk might be nice, but...meh. The Desert Fathers had it right you know.

Today isn't the first day I've thought about living in a hermitage.  I need to live apart from the world, but that's not practical.  Maybe, I can do it at home...if I stop watching the news and using social media etc....  But, is that realistic and/or achievable?


  1. Maybe somebody could check in on me once a month so that friends and family know that I'm okay.

  2. I could walk in to civilization periodically to pick up anything I need, if I have any money left.

  3. 50 miles might be a bit excessive. How about 5 miles? Can we do that?


Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.