Monday, November 13, 2017

Even More on Fasting

It's disappointing when you break a fast. There's also the feeling that you've let God down.  I remember one Lent I gave up coffee.  I was outside on a Saturday working on my boat when my brother showed up with a tray of coffees.  I never even thought.  Thanks!  Sip!  Cindy came out the back door, "Hey, you're not supposed to have coffee."  It was too late.  My Lent was ruined.  I've also had some very successful Lents.  What's worse than the mistake is giving in.  On my pre-Thanksgiving fast, I gave in.  I can get back on my horse, but my sense of accomplishment will be gone.  But, maybe that's the lesson here.  We can do nothing on our own.  We can only fail without Him.  We are sinful creatures by nature.  Maybe I can re-fast between Thanksgiving and Advent.  Wish me luck.

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