Saturday, December 31, 2016


I've never shot myself.  I've never exploded a barrel.   I've never had a hang fire or explosion.   I got a knife for Christmas and six days later I cut my thumb.  Interesting...

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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


I never hear positive comments about them.  I never hear that they are hard working or that they are gogetters or that they are advocates of liberty.  I akways hear how negative, socially impaired,  lazy, self centred, and greedy they are with no drive to work to better themselves.

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Lets be China.

When I was a kid we had bike lanes; they were called the €uc/<1ng sidewalks.  Cars are a much greater risk to cyclists than cyclists are to pedestrians.  Lets put the bikes on the road to be unsafe and impeed the flow of traffic, stupid communists.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Move or Delete

Could the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machine be copy and delete rather than move.

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Be in the world, not of the world.

The Christmas readings included a phrase regarding the disregarding of worldly passions.  As I sat there in Church, I thought to myself that I allow my world passions to spur me to action most often.  But then too, what makes environmentalism and socialism okay in faith and Church.  I am not alone with this bane.

Irish Whiskey

Here's a metaphor:  I was told once that the two big distillers in Ireland were Bushmills and Jameson, and that the Protestants drank Bushmills while the Catholics drank the Jameson; oddly, they are orange and green respectively; outwardly, they are different in appearance; once poured, they are both orange; while Protestants believe they are the pure Christian faithful, once you strip away the ritual of the Catholic faith they are also true Christians.  We are all the same on the inside.

Full Metal Porn Crash

When I went to bed on Christmas Day, I had a very strange dream.  Who'd have thought, me having a strange dream?  This dream--or dreams--had two distinct parts, like the movie Full Metal Jacket.  The first part was strange and had a porn theme.  I was in a brothel or a porno or both.  I can't remember much.  Although, I didn't have sex; but I think I was about to.  Then, abruptly it seemed, there was a plain crash.  A plane crashed on a house or building that Cindy and Chandra were in.  I remember asking if they were okay and being told that they were dead.  I asked for or looked for the bodies.  I found Chandra's body.  She was about eleven or twelve years old I think.  My heritage gone, I remember being ready to make another deal.  Then, she started breathing.  I was overjoyed.  I awoke shortly after and I'm not sure what happened with Cindy.  A very disturbing dream on the whole.

Forgive not forget?

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Gun Control

I first met you during a campaign stop in the 2007 Ontario general election.  I was quite disheartened that you did not win and become our Premier.  Today, I would like to briefly bring your attention to the issue of gun control.  While I understand the problem of gun violence in Toronto, the focus needs to be on criminal possession of firearms, criminal acts with firearms, and on enforcing the already tough firearms legislation.  Legislating away liberty, making responsible firearm owners criminals is not the answer.  Making it harder to obey the law will not make those who already disregard the law follow the law.  Please don't seek to punish hunters, collectors, and sports shooters.  Don't lump us all together with criminals.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Could the star of Bethlehem have been an angel rather than an actual star in the sky that lead the wise men to Jesus?  Star has been used as a synonym in the Bible for angel in other places.  A third of the stars were taken from the sky by the dragon's tail.

Bake Me a Turkey

This old liberal lady at Church today commented to me that because Cindy was working up until Christmas Eve, I should be cooking the Christmas meal (turkey or whatever).  I thought she was very transparent and this old battle axe needs to stop the fight.  I wouldn't say to her to get in the kitchen and make a sandwich; but, that's what I heard.  I started thinking about when Cindy and I were engaged and the subject of her changing her last name came up.  I said that I would prefer if she took my name, but that I didn't insist on it and that it was her choice.  She sacrificed.  She compromised and took my name.  I also wanted to get married in a Church.  I got that too.  Cindy really gave a lot.  But, I gave her the choice about the last name.  I was a lot more tolerant then I think.  Feminazis have beaten the liberal out of me.  If you read my blot, you'll likely remember my retelling of my high school math teacher and my first exposure to the un-level playing field that is liberal equality.  It was my first, and far from last, experience with discrimination.  I was so naive. 

P.S.  I have no cooking skill (judge me if you will); to assume a man (husband) of the 21st century should cook is no better (in my eyes) than to assume that a woman should not work (and be a home maker). 


So, I was out on the rang--all by my lonesome--and in walks an East Indian man.  Because we shared this common interest, I was far less suspicious and I reflected on this for a while.  Why?

Red Roof Inn

I guess St. Paul's didn't need that red steel roof after all.  It seems like a waste when the building will most likely be taken down in the near future.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Saint Ball

So, T minus x until the wrecking ball, but I was thinking, maybe God is going to force my hand.  Maybe I won't have to choose to leave or to stay at St. Paul's Church.  I may have no home Church in the near future.  They dropped a bombshell at Parish Council as they began to discuss possible plans for the closure of St. Paul's, fresh on the heals of the demolition of St. John's United Church right across the street, sad times.


Just my personal observation, and thinking about what Archdeacon Peter said about his home parish and how the men congregated outside the Church while the women worshiped inside, I believe Jesus takes root deeper in women.  Or, at least, more women come to the faith than men do.

Please Mr. Simpson, our species has reached the limits of what anal probing can teach us.

I was watching an Operation Smile, much like Mercy Ships which I support, and I started to think:  What if aliens are abducting humans to help them, like tagging and releasing whales and such?

It's Not a Bad Dog, It's a Bad Owner

Tell me again why guns are evil?

Friday, December 16, 2016


The socialist society we live in promotes playing the victim to gain any kind of incentives.   Anybody who sees the insidious nature of this unfair dependency that is created is a racist, bigot,  or uncle tom.

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Global Warming Man Caused? Could it be, might it be, begging the question? Could industrialization and warming be happening concurrently and be unrelated? And a little false dilemma right at the end to boot.

Help this great cause of saving drowning salmon.  Every year, salmon leap high into the air at the rapids to escape their watery grave.  Many fish die it this water.  Think about how they feel; you can't breath under water, can you?  Imagine that you were gasping for air, jumping to escape the water but constantly falling back into the airless liquid.  Little is being done to save these poor creatures.  Visit to give now.  You can either do something or hate fish. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sorry kids, mommy's a whore.

I'm not picking on just women here.  The example most reciently shown to me is just fresh in my mind.  Could the reason so many marriages fail today be that people are incredibly selfish?  I think so.

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A heartless b1+<h at Christmas.

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Who needs a gun?

Nobody needs to paint.  Needs are food, shelter, water, etc...  You can buy your food in the supermarket without painting.  The right to paint is not paramount.  We should therefore get rid of art all together in society.


I had a dream that I got a tattoo on my hand and instantly regretted it.  I thought, "Why didn't I get it on my left hand at least," thinking of The Mark of The Beast.

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Monday, December 12, 2016


Sometimes he hits me hard.


William Ramier

Manufacturing Shokucho


Cell: 519-535-8027




Last week's scripture readings at Church got me thinking about religious authorities.  The prophet Isaiah proclaimed that the asp and the adder would be harmless.  John then, in the Gospel reading, refers to the religious leaders as vipers.  I started thinking, if religious leaders are snakes, they have fulfilled prophesy in a way; they have become relatively harmless.  The separation of Church and state, democracy, and the growing impotency of the Church in society has made these snakes mostly harmless.  Although, they can still deny burial in sacred ground to suicides, deny marriage to the unchurched, deny communion to the unbaptized, marginalize the outcasts and those with excess alike, restrict participation of the unlike minded, use Church/faith as a means to an end, and deny ordination to those who may hold traditional and opposing views on doctrine or theology.

The Hammer Doesn't Fall Far from the Sickle

Nightmare in Green Part III

Nightmare in Green Part II

Nightmare in Green

Rewarding Vice as Virtue

A popular saying is that liberals believe that everybody should be equal at the finishing line; conservatives believe that everybody should be equal at the starting line. By making everybody equal at the finishing line, we reward bad decisions in life, bad & poor choices, lack of effort, laziness, productiveness, lack of contribution, and harm (at some level) to others.

Monday, November 28, 2016


Sunday at Church, my favorite Advent hymn was sung, O Come Emanuel. I really enjoy this hymn, spiritually, musically, emotionally.

Ban Knives!

Ban Sport Cars!

You know how when somebody says, "Guns have to be made illegal," and I just respond, "Nobody needs a sports car." And, they reply, "Huh?" And, I say, "Did you know that about 30 000 Americans are killed each year on the highways?" They retort, "Most of those accidents aren't even sports cars!" In silence, I just grin a grinchy grin ear to ear. P.S. This post was written before, but posted after, the Ohio State stabbings.

Sunday, November 27, 2016


If everything is finite,  does that include the universe?

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Saturday, November 26, 2016


I used to look at the clock at work and think, "That's how much longer I'm here for!"  Now I think, "How am I going to get all this stuff done by then."

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

You're a hypocrite!

Sometimes a man's religious views is not who he is, but who he wants to be, and pointing out how far away he is from those goals is the best way to push him away from them.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Gratefulness | Light a Candle

Click this link to see a candle burning on

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FATHER, I am a bad man and don't deserve to ask. Bishop Terry is a good man who has preached the Gospel. His daughter is dying and you can heal her. My faith is too weak to make her well. I only have the faith to ask. Bring glory to Your name. People ask for healing through faith or desperation. I ask through faith...weak faith...strong enough only to ask, not to make her well again. Make her well again and by so doing bring glory to your Holy name again. I beg you, do not let this good man loose his daughter. I beseech you in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ whom I fail to imitate. Amen. If you're reading this, please pray--and then pray again--for Erin.

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Two Strange Dreams

First night, I dreamt that I entered the Hog Jog; but, I started after the last person crossed the finish line.  Second drean, I dreamt that I got a double lung transplant.  The new lungs were dark, like they were BBQed.

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Monday, November 14, 2016


Voltaire would be proud.

 To quote a smart young lady:

Just a theory but: Maybe the reason "the world" is so shocked that trump won is because we silenced his supporters. The same reason Hillary supporters were on her side is the reason trump got so much support; the hate. Somehow the popular opinion, and the media took on Hillary's campaign. They were so focused on the wrong doings of trump, and shutting up the supporters, they them self became hateful. Hillary supporters were trying to get rid of the hate of minority races, lgbt communities, etc. And created a new hatred of their fellow Americans. Similar to the ideals they were scared of "dont talk to me if you're against gays, racist, etc." They themselves were saying "unfriend me if you support trump". Instead of talking, and having a politically sound argument, they refused to hear the other side. These same people who share the picture "if im wrong teach me, dont belittle me" were being hypocritical. They created the fear in the trump voters. They are the reason he won. Because they could no longer speak out. They couldn't show their support for him, in fear of the hate they would receive. Just because you dont agree with someone, doesn't mean you can hate them and silence their voice. Wasn't this the point of all this?  --Chandra Ramier

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Christmas Par Tay!

Last night, I went to the Aisin  Christmas Party.  Last night, I dreamt that things were slowing down at work.  We (the Shokuchos) were approached by management and told that there were only so many shokucho jobs left in a downsizing company.  They had decided to get all the shokuchos to write a paper explaining why each was the best candidate to keep one of the remaining positions. I was swearing and p1$$ed off and yelling, unusual for me at work--even, I think, from my team members' perspective.  I began in earnest to resignation.  I gave them four weeks notice.  Then I woke up; so, I don't know what it means.


Similar to the internet meme that goes something like, "Chew this root, drink this potion, eat this pill, drink this potion, chew this root," ID seems to be coming full circle.  Once scoffed at for beleving in a Creator, skeptics and conspiracy theorists alike are pondering the possibility that things are too perfect.  Amidst the what ifs are the discoveries of just how delicate the perfect balance is; the odds of it happening by chance are...astronomical.

P.S.  I remember that line from the move Stigmata where the priest explains how he came to believe in God because he had so many unanswered questions.

Conspiracy Thory

I will try my hand at conspiracy theory.  In keeping with the hollow moon theory, could the crashed module from the Apollo mission's reverberations of the moon's shell be causing our extreme weather patterns that climate alarmists are talking about?  Knowing this, could this be the reason we have not been back to the moon?  Could we have somehow upset the cosmic balance, changed the orbit or some similar derailment of nature?

Saturday, November 12, 2016


Having wanted nothing more than to serve as a raison d'etre, I can certainly identify with the young men to committed suicide for being being designated 4F.

Hop Hop

I was listening to the radio today, channel surfing really, and I paused briefly on a Christian station.  The subject?  Sin, The Ten Commandments, specifically false witness and adultery.  "Who doesn't lie," they asked.  We all lie.  Then they said that Jesus said that anybody that even thinks of another woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  We're all guilty of that.  I know I am.  They say that all a teenage boy thinks about is sex.  While I can assure you that my teenage years are far behind me--unfortunately for me--I can also attest to the fact that my mind is very much repeatedly occupied with the matter.  Maybe I'm part rabbit.  I don't know.  Never one to ascribe to the school of thought which states that you can get your appetite wherever you want as long as you eat at home, I am nevertheless powerless to change or to control my thoughts for that matter.  It's hard to drive an idea out.  But, perhaps the true test is actus rea.  As the great (fictional) Captain Picard once said, and I paraphrase, "I only think it; let us not judge a person until they act on those thoughts."

P. S.  A rabbit.

Bug Days

Some days you're the windshield.  Some days you're the bug.

A Truth?

Death smiles at every man.  All a man can do is smile back, to paraphrase a line from a movie.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


I think the right thing to do now is for Trump to give Hillary a presidential pardon.  It's over.   He won.  She's defeated.   Don't kick her when she's down.

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Balance is needed; but I'll settle for minimal representation.

All of the institutions of higher learning, and by extension the priesthood, are super saturated with liberalism.

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Help the poor? What helps them?

You say help the poor and I hear willful giving of oneself.   You hear socialism.  So many people are convinced without any doubt that this is the right way.  It is wrong to let people starve.  But, the greater evil is the loss of free will and the desire to better oneself.   Quality of life is the term pro choicers use.
If we are forced to pay taxes to support the unemployed,  are we not giving to Caesar rather than God?  There is no willingness to help your fellow man in this extortion.   More importantly,  the institutionalization of people harms them when they become conditioned into being complacent after their basic human needs are met.  There is no striving for betterment.   There is diminished quality of life, in both standard of living and in personal freedom.  And, they become a burden on the producers in society, who both keep less and are ever decreasing in number.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


My kingdom for a conservative Anglican Priest.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Soaking again...

To be clear, the virtue is that they are struggling to keep a promise to God...a promise that they never should have made.

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Heathen, Infidel, Gentile

Can we stop killing each other? 

A Truth

Biologically speaking, most males of any species are physically attractes to attractive young females.  

Don't read too much into that, I'm just saying.  Dad used to say that the older ladies are getting better looking but you young girls still look good.

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A Tool Not a Toy

Aslan told Peter that the sword was a tool, not a toy.

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Sunday, November 6, 2016


Lewis is awesome.  I watched LWW at the Avon Theatre last night.  I wanted to sob like a child then Aslan was tied down.  It's a marvelous retelling.

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The Nile

There's nothing wrong with denial, don't get me wrong.  Fasting is good for strengthening your spirit and faith.  Giving up something for God is great too. I try to fast every Lent.  Just don't make promises you can't keep. Most importantly,  if you fall...get back up.  Be gentel with yourself.  Realise your limitations.  Trust in The LORD.  And as for soaking,  it's wrong...if premarital sex is wrong...unless you realise that it is acceptable (not withstanding the hurt caused to others by disease and/or teen pregnancy).  Clear as mud?

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If you don't know the term, look it up.  Most of us scoff, "who are these idiots fooling!"  There's so much going on here.  To be sure, the Devil has had a small victory of sorts here.  I think Puritan leaning Christians recognize this.  It's dangerous too, and risky.   That being said, there is much to admire here.  Truly.  If they believe it is wrong to have premarital intercourse and choose to retrain,  they do so for the love of God.  Truly awesome.   They are denying to self, in a sort of perpetual state of Lent.  Doing something that they can't do, so they soak.  They deny to themselves something that maybe isn't wrong.  And, by so committing,  give the Devil his little victory.  Marlow says that sex is a biological need.  If right, self denial may be compaired to the need for shelter or companionship.   To deny a need is to set oneself up to fail.  It is with good intend, sacrifice offered to God, that they commit.   When they do,  the Devil laughs and waits.  St. Paul might have said that they submitted to the law.  Everything is acceptable but not everything is good for you.


I've noticed of late (very late) that my hair is thinning, at the crown.  I thought this bane would pass me by.  Dad, and my two younger brothers, are bald as badgers.  I've had a good run.  I fight aging tooth and nail.   I've been plucking out the odd grey hair, not dyeing.   No, not from my crown,  actually it's just been from my beard.  This bald thing troubles me.  I keep finding myself correcting myself for thinking (hoping) it will go back.  Time only moves us forward.

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If I was singing along to Queen, I'd be singing, "Beazlebub has two devils put aside for me."

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Saturday, October 29, 2016

Strike Four! You're out!

I thought of a good way to illustrate the wrongness of affirmative action.  What if baseball let players who were of African descent have an extra strike to compensate for their lack of advantage rather than treat all ball players the same?  Would that be fair?  How would we compare players of one era to another when the game would be so changed?  Who would be the greatest of all time?  What if we gave Hispanic players an extra two strikes and didn't count their errors in the field, but counted them as outs?  Not because they're not better ball players--because for the most part they are--but because, they are oppressed in America.  How does baseball get away with treating everybody fair when the workforce does not?

Raison D'etre

I had a thought the other day; what if I'm here to be a father, my calling.  I'm not trying to compare my daughter to Jesus; but, what if my role is to be similar to the role of St. Mary?  And, I'm certainly not equal to Mary.  What if my daughter is the one who is to make a difference, make an impact? 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Fw: I like this version better.

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From:"Ramier, William" <>
Date:Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 3:55 am
Subject:I like this version better.


William Ramier

Manufacturing Shokucho


Cell: 519-535-8027



Tweet from TweetCaster

@wramier: Satan is so good at his job, a master at psychological warfare.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

God The Supervisor

Compliment or reassure and then offer an area for improvement, that's a good coaching technique.  Reading the 92nd Psalm today, with it suggesting that we can bear fruit in old age was a comfort and reassurance to me that I could still have purpose.  Then, in the reading from James Ch 2, I am given an area for improvement; do not judge by outward appearance.  It is intended specifically for the poor, but I thought more along the lines of Dr. King's dream.

Prime Directive

If the Earth was about to be destroyed by a comet or meteor and you could time travel to safety, would changing the history of a dead world matter?

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Today reading from the first chapter of the book of James regarding the destruction of the rich was a little disconcerting.   I don't consider myself rich (owning a modest war time cottage and the first new car I've ever had), but I am mindful of how dependent I've become on money.  Living paycheck to paycheck,  destruction could come quickly.

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Monday, October 17, 2016


Sometimes when I'm typing fast, I forget to put question marks at the end of questions.  Is this a problem.


My blog just got spammed.  I can post to my blog via e-mail.  I was just looking over my October posts and noticed a post I can't recall posting.  Without my password, the only way to post is via e-mail.  Most of my non blog spam is delivered via e-mail.  So, assuming that they got my blog e-mail address, the question is now how did they get it?  I don't e-mail out from this address, and I don't include it in outgoing e-mail.  Could I have a virus?  Could somebody have hacked into my e-mail account?  Do I need to change/disable the post via e-mail option on my blog.  If you're reading this, and you notice spam, please let me know.  E-mail me at or leave a comment below one of my posts.  Thanks for your help.

Fall of Life

Vivian told me once that the leaves turn red and yellow in the Fall because of the hours of daylight, not the change in the weather.  So it is with death sometimes when it is sudden and unexpected.  It may only be early October in your life, the leaves may still be on the trees and green, but it could snow out of the blue without warning and without the signs of the change of the colour of the leaves.


Socialism is so attractive because it deceives us into believing that needs, desires, and services can be provided at no cost.  It's a lie that we want to believe, comfortable, easy.  The truth is ugly, hard, unpalatable.

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Bad Things

A cousin of mine passed away recently.   I attended her funeral today, celebration of life.  She was only about 46.  She left behind two teenage boys and a husband.  We never know.  We could go at any time.  It was a tragic passing.  The gears start turning.  Why?   I don't believe that God called her home.  Why?  I understand that suffering exists due to freewill.  Death exists due to original sin.  But, this untimely death wasn't inflicted by another human being.  So why?   I don't have an answer.  It takes me back to the question of why bad things happen to good people.  To witness, I'd like to have an answer.  For better understanding, I'd like an answer.  I can come to grips with an 80 year old passing away in their sleep.  Why do the young die?   Why do the good have bad things happen to them?

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Sith Bean

Another strange dream, this time I was a Sith, a la Knights of the Old Republic.  Our ship crashed on Earth a la Battlestar Galacticia.  I discovered that the sith lords were rendered powerless by the presence of coffee beans, just being on the same planet.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

AI vs ID

The fear is that we will cause our own extinction with AI.  Some say that it is evolution.   What is better?  Neuro pathways? Relays?  Circuits?   Neurons?   Isn't the human just a biological machine?  Isn't the brain just a bio-electric hard drive?  Who built it better? 

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The problem with representative democeacy is that during the campaign the politician appeals to the median voter, then once elected acts on fringe beliefs and values.  Maybe once we are more cyberneticaly integrated we can have oligarchy back.

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Monday, October 10, 2016


I'm thankful for:
My wife
My daughter
My parents
My health
The health of my family
All my brothers
My nieces and nephew
My cousins
My aunt Peggy
All my uncles
To have work
To have a home
Food and to spare
My dental plan
All four of my MLB teams making the LDS
The Daily Office
St. Gregory's Abbey
St. John's Convent
Holy Cross Priory
St. Paul's Church Stratford
St. Barnabas Church
Mercy Ships
The freedom to own firearms
A good marriage
My heritage
The Monarchy
Our armed forces
My nice new car
Peace in Canada
Fr. Daniel
My garden
Freedom of speech
Disposable income
My Bassett hound
The companionship of my beagle, now gone
The same can be said for our ferret
My childhood home, the farm
The life lessons that formed me
The rain for the plants
The warmth for the growing season, & to enjoy
The beauty of the sky
The thin places
My faith
Forgiveness,  without which I'd be lost
The night to sleep
Irish Whisky
The responsible enjoyment of the above four
Fr. Ted
Fr. Warren
Canon Tanya putting me on Parish Council
Fr. Andreas & having me on AFP committee
The Goderich tornado shelter experience
My daughter's big heart
My wife's strong foundation
My daughter's smarts
My wife's love
Stratford's parks
Wildwood and other parks & campgrounds
My old sailboat
Dad teaching me to shoot
God's love & mercy
& so very much more
Mostly, God for all of the above

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Jesus wasn't a socialist.

When the rich man asked what he had to do to enter the KOH, Jesus told him that he had to get rid of his wealth, give it to the poor I believe.  The man walked away sad, because he was very rich.  Then, Jesus said to His disciples, "Get 'em boys!"  God forgive me; no He didn't.  It's supposed to be a free choice, from the heart.  Socialism is violence, it is backed by the threat of violence.  It has to be to take from some and give to others.  George should get to decide.

Manon Hype

When Manon Rheaume played in Tampa, I was so happy.  I was supportive and exuberant and held nothing back.  I don't think I would be now.  In fact, I'm sure I would be disgusted by the politicization of it and all the hype surrounding the moment.  Experience in dealing with ignorant in your face liberals has polarized me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still happy for Manon; I just don't think I'd be able to enjoy it now.  I'd probably be disgusted.  Sorry, but I want to speak the truth.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Put Your Back Into It

Nobody wants to work anymore.  Nobody wants to earn anything.  Wants are needs in a world where everybody wants everything given to them at the expense of somebody else. 

P.S.  Cindy looked at my pay stub today and commented, "It's discusting how much they took off of your pay," to which I replied, "Don't even get my started!"


We've become a society of pansies.  A generation has grown up that can't deal.  We were trying to bring compassion.  We failed.  They didn't learn to deal with loosing.  We don't teach toughness.  Some say that masculinity has been lost.  We keep trying to play God, and we keep fu3king up.  Kids are far less well off now.  Suicide is up.  Depression and anxiety is up.  Segregation is up.  Social skills are down.  Problem solving in conflict resolution skills are nil.  We need safe spaces and we all have to be politically correct.  The perpetually offended might get upset.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Shut up

You know how you hate when professional athletes thank The Lord?   That's how I hate when celebrities tell me to reduce my carbon footprint or when priests talk about social justice and socialism before an election.

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I smell prayer.

I moved to the basement for the summer to pray the office.  Since coming home from the abbey, I've noticed the basement to smell like the abbey Church.  Hmm...

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Tweet from TweetCaster

@wramier: A squirrel took off with a ripe tomato from my greenhouse, furry little b@$1@rd!
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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fr. Daniel & Fr. Ted, Fr. Warren & Canon Michael, Fr. Andreas & Arch Deacon Tanya

St. Paul's writting, today's readings, talk about showing respect for the leaders of our faith and about continuous prayer.  I always try to address priests as Father.  I also try to pray the daily office.

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I like the rain.  I've always liked the rain.  It's peaceful. I miss the sea storms from down home.  The water that brings life from above for the green things that grow and for all life.  It parallels God.

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That's funny; I had a dream last night that I was going completly bald. There's hope for people who are balding yet.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Seed

When I was young and naive,  I too was for treating everybody better, until I found out that it wasn't for me too.

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Friday, September 23, 2016

Oh My Dog

Why is it that every time my dog sees me at my back door, she runs to come inside and sits to wait for a treat?  But, really, are we any different with God?


William Ramier

Manufacturing Shokucho


Cell: 519-535-8027



Psalms 110:3

Psalms 103 seems to dispel the myth of adoptionism.

Sing/Chant the Psalms

I love to sing the Psalms.  I know I can't sing to save my life.  But, I really enjoy it.


I dreamt last night that I was renting a place off of my boss, which I bought from him, only to wake up to him installing a catwalk outside above the back yard fence.  I learned that although I had bought the place, I guess it was only the first floor and basement-like a condo.  He still owned the upstairs and was renting it out.  I was interested in finding out the legalities of whether or not he could build the catwalk over my back yard.  He told me that he was thinking of actually quitting his job and working construction full time with his friend who was working on the catwalk.  Then, I discovered that there were two bathrooms in the basement, but the basement was connected to the basement of the house next door, and at least the house next door to that.  There was a common room two houses down with a ton of people in it.  But, right next door there were two female tenants who had to share the bathroom in my house--like right of way.  I tried to explain that I would like to use one of my two bathrooms and they could use the other.  They seemed quite upset by this.  When I explained that I owned the house with the bathrooms, they seemed to deescalate.  But, later they disappeared.  I asked the people in the common room two houses down where they had went, but they had no idea.  So, Freudians, what is up?  Yesterday, before I came home from work and went to bed, I was passed up for a job at work in a different department and have one more interview looming on the horizon for a lateral transfer to yet another department.  I'm sure that's what it is all about, with a dash of capitalism and a pinch of conservatism and a half a tea spoon of my a$$h01e next door neighbour.  What do you think?


I dreamt last night that the Jays delt away Edwin coming down to the wire.

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That Guy

I'm getting home so late from work that McDonald's is serving beeakfast.  I've become that guy who I was talking about.  Don't live to work.

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Psalm 107 Part I

Psalm 107, written long before Jesus was born, speaks of those imprisoned in Hell, salvation, eternal life, and is full of messianic prophecy.  It's as though it was written as an eye witness account of Jesus' life and ministry.  Jesus said in the Gospel of John that people search the scriptures looking for eternal life, and that those very scriptures speak of Him.  The Psalms are so full of messianic prophecy.  I used to wonder how anybody who was Jewish could read Psalms 22 or the book of Isaiah and not believe in Christ.  When people ask me for proof, or why I believe, I turn to the prophecies; I turn to the Psalms.

Cisalpine Gaul

It may not be very PC to say it but, sometimes I think that centurions who served in Gaul should not be made prefects in the home provinces or in Rome.


William Ramier

Manufacturing Shokucho


Cell: 519-535-8027



Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Pure Light

Looking at the moonlight reflecting off a window,  I thought that it was so white.  Compared to street lights, car lights, and othet lights, God's light is so much more pure than man's.  This light shining in the darkness is pure.

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The Psalm yesterday was 90.  With two of my dad's friends passing away in the last month, I stopped and reflected on my own mortality.  It all happens so fast.  I have a kid in University.   I can't believe it.  I just finished college a few years ago.  My college girlfriend and I are coming up on 20 years of marriage.   My maternal grandfather said, "It's only been a day."  He didn't make 70.  It happens so fast.  Life passes in a flash.  Is there more?  I believe Jesus.  Regardless,  we're only here once and then we're gone forever.  Enjoy it.  Take advantage.  Love.

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Monday, September 19, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016


I had some strange dreams a few nights ago.  I dreamt that I was in a barn or shed, being held by a cereal killer who was forcing me to play some game.  I felt that I was going to be killed regardless of the outcome, and attacked him with an axe.  I still remember chopping his head.  Sorry for the graphic nature.  Then, I was a battered wife.  I tried to attack the guy beating me.  Then I tried to involve somebody else to help me.  They didn't want to be involved.   Finally, I attacked him with a baseball bat with another man present, crossing the Rubicon and throwing my hat over the fence. 

Am I feeling trapped?

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Captain Picard

Captain Picard was wrong; time is a predator that stocks us.

Dr. Who

The rector at St. Paul's Church is like Dr. Who.  The rector changes but the position/role stays unchanged.

I really admire the basic dictatorship of China or whatever.

Sometimes I think that the liberals value their views--the only right way--more than democracy.  The interruptions to their rule--due to loosing elections, the rule of law, due process, democracy, parliamentary protocols, question period, accountability, etc... all impede their desire to implement liberal social policy in a dictatorial manner.  The people's right to choose this crap, or not to, is their right.  Even the idea that if we slip it in and it is initially unpopular they will eventually come to accept it given time is no longer necessary with a dictatorship, something you can't do in an election year.


Fr. Daniel said this morning that a sheep in trouble will not bleat because it is scared.  I've never heard of this before.  Whether or not it is true, we lost sheep never ask for help when we need it.

I don't think so Tim.

During the parliamentary gun debates in the 90s, a police bord representative juxtaposed the right of a person to be safe vs. the privilege to own firearms.  This is a total liberal mentality, to pretend the other side of the argument doesn't exist and ignore it.  First the right to bear arms is a natural right that we have only allowed our governments to restrict.  Second,  due to the right of a citizen to be safe,  they need to be able to defend themselves.  Self defense is a right. The shooters are always armed and the victims are not.  That needs to change.

Prayers of The People

Oh how I hate the prayers of the people, how the politics bleed into the text of the liturgy.  

We don't need to pray for more Tredeau peacekepper missions, for a chance to kill our troops with stupid ROEs.

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Gun Contral

The only way gun control will ever work is for all guns everywhere to be destroyed.   And, that is impossible.   Because it is impossible,  people need to have access to arms.

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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Don't Worry

Luke 12:22-34 NIV

Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about… shared Luke 12:22-34 NIV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.


I've sure thought a lot about him lately.   And to think that Just War was what I liked most about his writings before last week.  There's so much more.


St. Augustine had a wild youth.   There's hope for all of us.

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The Hand of God or The Still Small Voice

Reading Psalm 50 today, and seeing how it all ties in to the last few weeks, I have the feeling that I'm seeing the hand of God.  Verse 5, He gathers His loyal followers whom are in a covenant with Him sealed in sacrifice struck me first.  This verse predates The Crucifixion, so it is deep.  All my sin was before me as I read through Psalm 50, verses 7-8 & 14-15 especially.  Concrete heavy condemnation follows in verses 16-17 & 19-22.  I have vows I have broken--not marriage vows (don't worry).  I have not loved my neighbour or brother as myself.  I thought about the Crowder video I watched before going to the monastery with Dr. Gary Wilson, about addiction.  I thought about how St. Augustine was helpless to his depravity.  I thought about the tie in there too.  I thought about the recent rise in the number of posts on social media about the problem itself, something we don't talk about.  I thought about the post from Crews, and how he speaks about the objectification of people, and even how he echos St. Paul telling us that our war is not against flesh and blood when he says that he's not fighting people but fighting the way we think.  I thought about friends with addiction issues (drugs) and I thought about how the issue also ties in with sexuality, specifically homosexuality.  Does it give one better insight into both?  Could it be a thorn in the side?  I even thought about Psalm 45 from the other day, how it smacked of the objectification of women.  I've written before about Asmodeus.  St. Augustine and Mary Howard were broken before they were given the strength they did not have themselves.  Crews was at the end of the road and had to make a choice.  I've asked, what if it is not destructive?  What if it is not an addiction?  Is this denial?  Was I wrong to think some things harmless due to an particular understanding of Romans Ch 14?  Obviously addiction is destructive.  That makes it a sin.  Like many sins in The Old Testament and Bible, they were sinful because they hurt you, God, or your neighbour.  Still trying to figure out what all this means...

Crews Brave To Speak Out


Riots in the streets, prominent role models becoming anti-nation, the rise of new violent interest groups, police being murdered, has having a Black President helped heal racial divide or has it become worse?

Porn is for losers.

Porn is bad for relationships.

Friday, September 9, 2016


I know for a fact that I love The Lord.   So, why don't I do what He asks me to do?

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I've often thought that the stronger one's faith, the more that will be seen. So, then, the more one sees, the more one will see.

To he that has much, more will be given.

Points of interest from the movie The Gospel of John

  • Miracle of water to wine--Jesus is the better wine saved for the end of the feast.
  • Jesus has the right to judge because he is The Son of Man.
  • They search the scriptures hoping to find eternal life and the scriptures speak of Jesus who is the source of all life.
  • Jesus walking on the water--if it was anything like the cinematic portrayal--would have terrified me.
  • The last day--those who eat His flesh and drink His blood will be raised up.
  • Some moments in the cinematic portrayal of John's Gospel are extremely moving.
  • The man whom was born blind was born blind so as to show the glory of God.
  • Jesus went to many religious festivals. 
  • To what benefit of Jesus' would it be to incite the crowds against him? 
  • Jesus wept--the shortest verse in The Bible.
  • Mary and Martha kill me.
  • Jesus lamented the fact that people will not believe with signs. 
  • Sometimes you have to waste nard in pure acts of love. 
  • Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet.


Reading Psalm 44 today, verse six jumped out at me first, as a voice telling me that I can't defeat my sins on my own, much as St. Augustine learned.  Most of the rest of the Psalm seemed to be speaking of The Holocaust.

St. Augustine Changed

When St. Augustine converted and turned his back on his depravity.  It lends weight to the sin no more theory based on 1 John 3:6 unfortunately. 


Move over.  Give bikes 1m.  I share the road.  We have to make it more safe for cyclists.  No, get the fvc1 off of the road.


Last night,  I dreamt that it was the zombie apocalypse.   I had a 30-30.  I wad okay as I killed all the zombies that came for us with my 30-30.  I had to look for more ammo though.  Unlike the movies, the zombies starved and died off after they ran out of people to eat.  Then,  we were trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world.  There were four of us living in an ruined apartment building.  We thought we were the only people left.  This guy in our group was out in the street and was robbed by a mauradering group of scavengers.  I was watching from the apartment building.   I went and got my rifle.  I shot the gang leader.  I woke up before I learned if we drove them off, merged with them, took over the group, killed them.  Strange dream.

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Thursday, September 8, 2016


Baseball is not a distraction.  No matter how passionate you are about your team, you don't hate anybody.  Politics is real life.

Thank you!

Thank you for your wonderful ministry of hospitality. Thank you especially to yourself, Fr. Jude, the Prior, and Br. Abraham for the social interaction and lively conversation. 

I have to add that I love the food.   Does the Prior always cook?  I will continue to keep the monks at St. Gregory's Abbey in my prayers. 

Cindy wishes me to extend her thanks as well.  She really enjoyed the conversation, liked her time at abbey, and found it relaxing. 



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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Give a man a fish...

Ronald Reagan said it best when he explained that if liberal social programs worked so well, the number of people needing them should decrease every day.


Socialism in not the answer.  It breeds poverty.  The poor people in this country are far better off due to capitalism, and in a better position to be helped by those around them, than they are in any socialist state.

I'm a racist again?

A learned man said to me that if you disagree with the current President of the USA on a policy, that's okay.  But, if you disagree with every one of his policies, that makes you a racist.  He believes this.  For me, this is just politics.  As a conservative, I will disagree with all liberal policies.  And, if a Chinese Canadian is elected leader of the Liberal Party and also Prime Minister of Canada, I will almost certainly disagree with every one of his polices.  If this makes me racist against Chinese people, so be it.  I'm a racist.

Why are we unable to comprimise?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


I always really enjoy the Prior's food, sharing in the monks' meals.   Monday we had very tasty schnitzel and sweet potato fries for lunch and a pulled pork wrap for supper.  Tuesday we had corn flakes and toast for breakfast, spicy chicken and pineapple over a bed or rice for lunch, and a chicken burger for supper.  I left the abbey fed physically,  spirituality,  mentally,  and emotionally.

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Day two at St. Gregory's Abbey begins.  We did miss Matins and Lauds, arrived at the refectory for breakfast at 7ish, and are now waiting to the Eucharist at 8:15.

I read after Pittance and then attended Sext.  I eagerly anticipate Lunch.  We had a very lively discussion with the Prior at Pittance and, I would be remiss if I didn't mention, a very enjoyable conversation yesterday at Tea with Br. Abraham.

I made it to None after lunch.  Tea was another good interaction with the monks, the last sadly.   We attended Vespers and ate supper, packed up and headded home.

I didn't get either bookk finished.  I did enjoy what I read though.  It was enlightening and meaningful.   I was reassured and comforted by the idea expressed by the author of Letters From the Desert that the Church does not rest on my shoulders,  and how freeing that is.  I also was inspired and comforted by St. Augustine's struggles to the faiyh and how far off the path he was.

It's 1:30AM now and I'm home.  I didn't want to leave.

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