Friday, September 23, 2016


I dreamt last night that I was renting a place off of my boss, which I bought from him, only to wake up to him installing a catwalk outside above the back yard fence.  I learned that although I had bought the place, I guess it was only the first floor and basement-like a condo.  He still owned the upstairs and was renting it out.  I was interested in finding out the legalities of whether or not he could build the catwalk over my back yard.  He told me that he was thinking of actually quitting his job and working construction full time with his friend who was working on the catwalk.  Then, I discovered that there were two bathrooms in the basement, but the basement was connected to the basement of the house next door, and at least the house next door to that.  There was a common room two houses down with a ton of people in it.  But, right next door there were two female tenants who had to share the bathroom in my house--like right of way.  I tried to explain that I would like to use one of my two bathrooms and they could use the other.  They seemed quite upset by this.  When I explained that I owned the house with the bathrooms, they seemed to deescalate.  But, later they disappeared.  I asked the people in the common room two houses down where they had went, but they had no idea.  So, Freudians, what is up?  Yesterday, before I came home from work and went to bed, I was passed up for a job at work in a different department and have one more interview looming on the horizon for a lateral transfer to yet another department.  I'm sure that's what it is all about, with a dash of capitalism and a pinch of conservatism and a half a tea spoon of my a$$h01e next door neighbour.  What do you think?

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