Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Day two at St. Gregory's Abbey begins.  We did miss Matins and Lauds, arrived at the refectory for breakfast at 7ish, and are now waiting to the Eucharist at 8:15.

I read after Pittance and then attended Sext.  I eagerly anticipate Lunch.  We had a very lively discussion with the Prior at Pittance and, I would be remiss if I didn't mention, a very enjoyable conversation yesterday at Tea with Br. Abraham.

I made it to None after lunch.  Tea was another good interaction with the monks, the last sadly.   We attended Vespers and ate supper, packed up and headded home.

I didn't get either bookk finished.  I did enjoy what I read though.  It was enlightening and meaningful.   I was reassured and comforted by the idea expressed by the author of Letters From the Desert that the Church does not rest on my shoulders,  and how freeing that is.  I also was inspired and comforted by St. Augustine's struggles to the faiyh and how far off the path he was.

It's 1:30AM now and I'm home.  I didn't want to leave.

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