Friday, September 9, 2016

Points of interest from the movie The Gospel of John

  • Miracle of water to wine--Jesus is the better wine saved for the end of the feast.
  • Jesus has the right to judge because he is The Son of Man.
  • They search the scriptures hoping to find eternal life and the scriptures speak of Jesus who is the source of all life.
  • Jesus walking on the water--if it was anything like the cinematic portrayal--would have terrified me.
  • The last day--those who eat His flesh and drink His blood will be raised up.
  • Some moments in the cinematic portrayal of John's Gospel are extremely moving.
  • The man whom was born blind was born blind so as to show the glory of God.
  • Jesus went to many religious festivals. 
  • To what benefit of Jesus' would it be to incite the crowds against him? 
  • Jesus wept--the shortest verse in The Bible.
  • Mary and Martha kill me.
  • Jesus lamented the fact that people will not believe with signs. 
  • Sometimes you have to waste nard in pure acts of love. 
  • Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet.

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