Monday, October 17, 2016


My blog just got spammed.  I can post to my blog via e-mail.  I was just looking over my October posts and noticed a post I can't recall posting.  Without my password, the only way to post is via e-mail.  Most of my non blog spam is delivered via e-mail.  So, assuming that they got my blog e-mail address, the question is now how did they get it?  I don't e-mail out from this address, and I don't include it in outgoing e-mail.  Could I have a virus?  Could somebody have hacked into my e-mail account?  Do I need to change/disable the post via e-mail option on my blog.  If you're reading this, and you notice spam, please let me know.  E-mail me at or leave a comment below one of my posts.  Thanks for your help.

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