Monday, October 10, 2016


I'm thankful for:
My wife
My daughter
My parents
My health
The health of my family
All my brothers
My nieces and nephew
My cousins
My aunt Peggy
All my uncles
To have work
To have a home
Food and to spare
My dental plan
All four of my MLB teams making the LDS
The Daily Office
St. Gregory's Abbey
St. John's Convent
Holy Cross Priory
St. Paul's Church Stratford
St. Barnabas Church
Mercy Ships
The freedom to own firearms
A good marriage
My heritage
The Monarchy
Our armed forces
My nice new car
Peace in Canada
Fr. Daniel
My garden
Freedom of speech
Disposable income
My Bassett hound
The companionship of my beagle, now gone
The same can be said for our ferret
My childhood home, the farm
The life lessons that formed me
The rain for the plants
The warmth for the growing season, & to enjoy
The beauty of the sky
The thin places
My faith
Forgiveness,  without which I'd be lost
The night to sleep
Irish Whisky
The responsible enjoyment of the above four
Fr. Ted
Fr. Warren
Canon Tanya putting me on Parish Council
Fr. Andreas & having me on AFP committee
The Goderich tornado shelter experience
My daughter's big heart
My wife's strong foundation
My daughter's smarts
My wife's love
Stratford's parks
Wildwood and other parks & campgrounds
My old sailboat
Dad teaching me to shoot
God's love & mercy
& so very much more
Mostly, God for all of the above

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