Sunday, November 6, 2016


If you don't know the term, look it up.  Most of us scoff, "who are these idiots fooling!"  There's so much going on here.  To be sure, the Devil has had a small victory of sorts here.  I think Puritan leaning Christians recognize this.  It's dangerous too, and risky.   That being said, there is much to admire here.  Truly.  If they believe it is wrong to have premarital intercourse and choose to retrain,  they do so for the love of God.  Truly awesome.   They are denying to self, in a sort of perpetual state of Lent.  Doing something that they can't do, so they soak.  They deny to themselves something that maybe isn't wrong.  And, by so committing,  give the Devil his little victory.  Marlow says that sex is a biological need.  If right, self denial may be compaired to the need for shelter or companionship.   To deny a need is to set oneself up to fail.  It is with good intend, sacrifice offered to God, that they commit.   When they do,  the Devil laughs and waits.  St. Paul might have said that they submitted to the law.  Everything is acceptable but not everything is good for you.

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