Saturday, November 12, 2016

Hop Hop

I was listening to the radio today, channel surfing really, and I paused briefly on a Christian station.  The subject?  Sin, The Ten Commandments, specifically false witness and adultery.  "Who doesn't lie," they asked.  We all lie.  Then they said that Jesus said that anybody that even thinks of another woman has already committed adultery with her in his heart.  We're all guilty of that.  I know I am.  They say that all a teenage boy thinks about is sex.  While I can assure you that my teenage years are far behind me--unfortunately for me--I can also attest to the fact that my mind is very much repeatedly occupied with the matter.  Maybe I'm part rabbit.  I don't know.  Never one to ascribe to the school of thought which states that you can get your appetite wherever you want as long as you eat at home, I am nevertheless powerless to change or to control my thoughts for that matter.  It's hard to drive an idea out.  But, perhaps the true test is actus rea.  As the great (fictional) Captain Picard once said, and I paraphrase, "I only think it; let us not judge a person until they act on those thoughts."

P. S.  A rabbit.

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