Thursday, November 10, 2016

Help the poor? What helps them?

You say help the poor and I hear willful giving of oneself.   You hear socialism.  So many people are convinced without any doubt that this is the right way.  It is wrong to let people starve.  But, the greater evil is the loss of free will and the desire to better oneself.   Quality of life is the term pro choicers use.
If we are forced to pay taxes to support the unemployed,  are we not giving to Caesar rather than God?  There is no willingness to help your fellow man in this extortion.   More importantly,  the institutionalization of people harms them when they become conditioned into being complacent after their basic human needs are met.  There is no striving for betterment.   There is diminished quality of life, in both standard of living and in personal freedom.  And, they become a burden on the producers in society, who both keep less and are ever decreasing in number.

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