Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Full Metal Porn Crash

When I went to bed on Christmas Day, I had a very strange dream.  Who'd have thought, me having a strange dream?  This dream--or dreams--had two distinct parts, like the movie Full Metal Jacket.  The first part was strange and had a porn theme.  I was in a brothel or a porno or both.  I can't remember much.  Although, I didn't have sex; but I think I was about to.  Then, abruptly it seemed, there was a plain crash.  A plane crashed on a house or building that Cindy and Chandra were in.  I remember asking if they were okay and being told that they were dead.  I asked for or looked for the bodies.  I found Chandra's body.  She was about eleven or twelve years old I think.  My heritage gone, I remember being ready to make another deal.  Then, she started breathing.  I was overjoyed.  I awoke shortly after and I'm not sure what happened with Cindy.  A very disturbing dream on the whole.

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