Sunday, December 18, 2016

Bake Me a Turkey

This old liberal lady at Church today commented to me that because Cindy was working up until Christmas Eve, I should be cooking the Christmas meal (turkey or whatever).  I thought she was very transparent and this old battle axe needs to stop the fight.  I wouldn't say to her to get in the kitchen and make a sandwich; but, that's what I heard.  I started thinking about when Cindy and I were engaged and the subject of her changing her last name came up.  I said that I would prefer if she took my name, but that I didn't insist on it and that it was her choice.  She sacrificed.  She compromised and took my name.  I also wanted to get married in a Church.  I got that too.  Cindy really gave a lot.  But, I gave her the choice about the last name.  I was a lot more tolerant then I think.  Feminazis have beaten the liberal out of me.  If you read my blot, you'll likely remember my retelling of my high school math teacher and my first exposure to the un-level playing field that is liberal equality.  It was my first, and far from last, experience with discrimination.  I was so naive. 

P.S.  I have no cooking skill (judge me if you will); to assume a man (husband) of the 21st century should cook is no better (in my eyes) than to assume that a woman should not work (and be a home maker). 

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