Saturday, December 2, 2023

Wacked Out Dream

I was on my bicycle.  I had to pick up my dad and his girlfriend (yes, on my bike).  I biked through a retirement home at one point.  It was very nice in there, all kinds of specialty rooms.  Then, I was biking down Ontario street.  I was late getting them.  I was peddling so hard, or it was hard to peddle.  I was at his girlfriend's house, trying not to let her dog out.  They were not there.  I continued on Ontario street.  This was not his real life girlfriend, I don't believe..  My brothe Leslier was in my dream, but I can't remember how now, but it was connected to an old video game or book somehow.  I lost my backpack somewhere along the way with my work laptop in it.  I was panicking.   I was still late.  At one point I cut through someone's side yard of an old house.  They tried to tell me about an old classic movie that they liked.  I realized it was because their face was ugly like the fictional (muppet) characters.

Paging Dr. Freud.  Paging Dr. Sigmund Freud. 

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