Saturday, December 23, 2023

Stone Cutters

Dad asked me to memorize the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes years ago.  He always wanted us to join the Masons; it was very important to him.  He never asked, as he said that Masons were not supposed to ask, not supposed to recruit.  But, I know that he did want us to.  Being afraid of public speaking, as I am, I was concerned about having to memorize and recite the degrees.  He said to me that if I could memorize and recite the 12th chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes, that I could recite the degrees in the Blue Lodge.  I set about to learn it, and did.  I could recite the chapter without mistake in the King James Version.

About the Masons:  I've always also had issue with the oath, and apprehension over the accusations of my evangelical friends that the Masons were practicing idolatry at best and practicing demon worship at worst.  I--using logic--reasoned that the accusations were born of the fear of the unknown.  Furthermore, I reasoned, "What kind of father would give his son a snake when he asks for a fish?"  Judging by the adage that, "by their fruits shall ye know them," I believe them to be good normal people (Masons).  Religious reservations aside, the biggest obstacle was always the public speaking.  There is no higher degree than the 3rd, but Dad had progressed to the 33rd in the Scottish Rite.  It was obvious that it was something of great importance to him. 

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