Sunday, December 24, 2023

Dreamz 'n Games

I've been having lots of strange dreams since the last time I recorded one here, every night.  None were about politics, sex, or religion though.  They've been about work, my old job too, mechanics, and last night was a game show.  I was on a series of game shows for trivia questions.  I went to a winner's circle match, made it to the semi final match, squeaked into the final round, and won it all.  I only answered one question wrong in the final, the first one.  It was a question about Justin Treadeau sponsoring Canadian athletes.  So, I guess the dream had some politics after all, though most trivia questions were non-political.  There was a time, and a sudden death round.  After I won, they tried to disqualify me via cancel culture, asking me questions that were personal in nature and not game related, regarding my beliefs.  Then I woke up in real life, and so the dream was over.

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