Sunday, December 10, 2023

Icecream Bikes

I was going to call this post classics, because it involved two iconic machines.  But, in the short time that I've been awake, I lost part of it.  

Bikes, so, in one dream I was riding a Harley-Davidson in a parking lot, trying to not get hit.  In a different dream, and with a bike, the police were looking for me because I drove over the open in use laptops that other bikers were using on the highway.  Yes, I drove through the air.  So, I had to stay off the highways for fear of being seen afterwards. I'll count these two bike dreams as one.

In my second dream, there must have been a Mustang or some other tool or machine of iconic status, but I've lost it.  I do love me a good Mustang.

Third dream, I was selling my Jeep.  I was being extremely honest with the buyers in a personal sale, whom I felt that I knew.

Last dream, I was asked to get a quote with a discount for my employer on some blueberry or blackberry ice cream from a conservative supporting distributor.  Despite the conflict of interest, I was going to explore the possibility.  When I started, the day if it being due arrived, and I hadn't looked into anything yet.

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