Monday, December 18, 2023


I was visiting a Church on Sunday.  I have lots of friends who go there.  During the--what I call--message part of the service, a woman (guest or associate pastor?) stood up and talked in very suggestive terms.  She used a phrase that I have never in my life heard before, to refer to the Virgin Birth.  She called the event or Jesus or the Holy Spirit the Sperm of God.  I almost didn't think I heard it correctly.  Nobody around me reacted.  So, shock aside, this is a term that I'm not entirely comfortable with, to suggest that the Holy Spirit had sex with Mary.  If you must try to explain the Virgin Birth in scientific terms, I've always sort of believed that the egg had 32 chromosomes through God's power and influence via the presence of the Holy Spirit within Mary.  This is something that can happen in nature too, although rare (an egg having enough chromosomes without fertilization).  To suggest that there was sperm in Mary is...unsettling.  

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