Saturday, December 30, 2023

Duces are Wild

 I had two dreams in the last two nights that I remember.  I've had dreams every night since last posting about them.  But, I don't think that all of them are worth reporting.

So, two nights ago.  I was in a garage with Dad.  I took note of how flat the concrete floor was and lamented the fact that I never built a boat (which I did in real life).  The second dream was a little more unsettling.  I drempt that I had gone to sleep or passed out, only to awaken in a psychiatric ward, learning that they had changed my medicine (not on any in real life) and that I was not free to leave.

Last night, I also had two dreams.  In the first, my daughter's (real life current) boyfriend was using the phrase that's not my job, which is a teaching tool that I use as a trainer to relate to the students that we all have triggers.  I hate that phrase.  I think I understand this dream, and it relates to him making constant sexual innuendo, as he did up in Barrie this week.  He does this because he's not smart enough to know they we're not stupid enough for it to go over our heads.  ...or he doesn't care; I guess that's an option.  Or, maybe he isn't smart enough to know that if is offensive.  ...or does it for spite.  Possibly, he doesn't have any respect for us.  And, to spare my daughter's feelings, we don't call him publicly on it.  I don't know if that's the right thing to do.  I guess respect is a two way street, and I wish he was more ambitious, or at least a more productive citizen in society.  And, I'll leave it at that.

The second dream I had last night had me living my dream; I was a police officer.  But, I was wrongly accused of being a dirty cop.  After having lost my badge and gun, I was exonerated, and participated in a large cannabis raid after almost losing a suspect in a car chase (I only got a partial plate before he briefly disappeared). One of the officers who participated in the raid was a former spook who had helped lock me up for being a dirty cop, although I didn't sense any ill intent from him during the raid, even when I mocked him for having messed up.  What does any of if mean, I'm not entirely sure.

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