Monday, December 4, 2023

Carrier Ballroom

Two more strange dreams, I had a night of broken sleep.  In the first dream, I was the captain of a fleet carrier in space.  It was a very cool ship, which deployed like a howitzer.  I don't recall ever firing the gun.  And, I don't recall an actual enemy.  Although, I did have a bitter arch rival with another carrier.  The setting had a very post apocalyptic feel to it.

I had a second dream that I remember.  I was able to escape a ball room with an erie eternal feel to it, where a brawl had broken out.  Once outside with the other peaceful people, I tried to convince them to seal the violent people inside the ballroom by piling tables and chairs against the only exit.  They refused.  I began on my own, and was caught red handed,  as they began to make their was outside.  Later, I was trying to check in to a hotel in a future time for some convention or other, but the front desk clerk wouldn't check my two scoped M-16s, even though they had in the past done this for me.  I got the distinct impression that it was in retaliation for trying to seal him in the ballroom.

The second dream felt oddly connected to the first.  Although, I was awake between dreams in the early hours of the morning.

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