Friday, December 8, 2023

That's so interesting...

So, apparently I’m justified under Islam?  According to the holy Qur’an, Allah requires that I am faithful to the teachings of the Gospel.  If I am not, I am rebelling against Allah. 

Surah 5:47


Also, the holy Qur’an claims that Muhammed was sent as the last in a series of messengers, as a messenger to the Arabs, to warn them in Arabic, in their own language, that other messengers had already been sent to warn other peoples.  That is why the Qur’an was written in the Arabic language.

Surah 42:7

Surah 44:58

Surah 16:36

Surah 10:47


I also heard an interesting take on the Crucifixion in the Qur’an according to a prominent Sheikh.  His interpretation of the denial of the Crucifixion was that Allah did not allow Chris to remain dead from Crucifixion.  It only appeared that Christ died from crucifixion because He was raised to life after they thought they had killed Him.

Surah 4:157

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