Saturday, December 30, 2023

Duces are Wild

 I had two dreams in the last two nights that I remember.  I've had dreams every night since last posting about them.  But, I don't think that all of them are worth reporting.

So, two nights ago.  I was in a garage with Dad.  I took note of how flat the concrete floor was and lamented the fact that I never built a boat (which I did in real life).  The second dream was a little more unsettling.  I drempt that I had gone to sleep or passed out, only to awaken in a psychiatric ward, learning that they had changed my medicine (not on any in real life) and that I was not free to leave.

Last night, I also had two dreams.  In the first, my daughter's (real life current) boyfriend was using the phrase that's not my job, which is a teaching tool that I use as a trainer to relate to the students that we all have triggers.  I hate that phrase.  I think I understand this dream, and it relates to him making constant sexual innuendo, as he did up in Barrie this week.  He does this because he's not smart enough to know they we're not stupid enough for it to go over our heads.  ...or he doesn't care; I guess that's an option.  Or, maybe he isn't smart enough to know that if is offensive.  ...or does it for spite.  Possibly, he doesn't have any respect for us.  And, to spare my daughter's feelings, we don't call him publicly on it.  I don't know if that's the right thing to do.  I guess respect is a two way street, and I wish he was more ambitious, or at least a more productive citizen in society.  And, I'll leave it at that.

The second dream I had last night had me living my dream; I was a police officer.  But, I was wrongly accused of being a dirty cop.  After having lost my badge and gun, I was exonerated, and participated in a large cannabis raid after almost losing a suspect in a car chase (I only got a partial plate before he briefly disappeared). One of the officers who participated in the raid was a former spook who had helped lock me up for being a dirty cop, although I didn't sense any ill intent from him during the raid, even when I mocked him for having messed up.  What does any of if mean, I'm not entirely sure.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Well Used Bible

From a torn page in Dad's well used Bible, he had written the following:

     I believe in the sun even if it is not shining.  I.                 believe in love even when I do not feel it.  I believe.       in God even when He is silent.

I see that he capitalized the word he.  That makes me happy.  A sad overtone, the message seems sad to me.  He had a lot of hurt in his life.  To suggest that you don't feel love and cannot hear God are somber melancholy statements.  The first line's reference to the sun seems to say that both are still present.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Lord Forgive Me

 I went to the Christmas Eve service tonight, early service.  When we were singing In The Bleak Midwinter and got to the part where it says that Marry worshiped with a kiss, an overwhelming wave of emotion came over me.  Lord, I give you my heart.


Oh yeah, I blacked out this week, kind of important to write about.  I bent down twice and stood up, as I fed the dog.  I blacked out, squatted down low for fear that I was going to lose consciousness, yelled for Cindy who was upstairs and didn't hear me, remained conscious, and eventually vision returned as the blood returned to my head and the lightheaded sensation left me.  I can't recall this happening before, ever.  Yesterday, I did an 8k run, no problem.  🤷‍♂️

Dreamz 'n Games

I've been having lots of strange dreams since the last time I recorded one here, every night.  None were about politics, sex, or religion though.  They've been about work, my old job too, mechanics, and last night was a game show.  I was on a series of game shows for trivia questions.  I went to a winner's circle match, made it to the semi final match, squeaked into the final round, and won it all.  I only answered one question wrong in the final, the first one.  It was a question about Justin Treadeau sponsoring Canadian athletes.  So, I guess the dream had some politics after all, though most trivia questions were non-political.  There was a time, and a sudden death round.  After I won, they tried to disqualify me via cancel culture, asking me questions that were personal in nature and not game related, regarding my beliefs.  Then I woke up in real life, and so the dream was over.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Oh, you're just a security guard?

 I was thinking, about how we define ourselves by our occupations.  It occurs to me that we value (or find value in) a person by what they do.  I was thinking of the Lord, and how he was a carpenter.  And, the religious leaders said that he was just Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph the carpenter.  Who is He that we should listen to Him?  I get why evangelicals dislike the high degree seminary educated robe wearing clergy of the Anglican world too.  And, to be fair, some of them do pursue power and prestige within the Church.  The temptation must be great.  But, why do we think tradespeople are dumb?  Why do we value the opinion of a psychologist on the economy or an economist on the environment more that we do an electrician on the free market?  Have you ever thought about how we write people off?  What do you do for a living," is more of an accusation than a question.  Actually, it's an Ad Hominem attack.  I mean, if the argument is logical, engage it.

More than that, we don't just write people off; we devalue them when they aren't upper echelon.  Marry a doctor or a lawyer, we tell our children.  Who ever says they want their children to find a hard working bricklayer?  

But, Jesus was more than a carpenter.  Why can't we define ourselves as a person?  Hi, my name is William.  I like to blog and shoot and am active in politics.  I like watching baseball and playing slo-pitch.  I jog to stay healthy.  Sometimes, I grow hot peppers and garden.  I am a Christian, and Anglican.  I am a father and husband, son and brother.  I grew up on a farm and miss it.  I believe in free unrestricted liberty, personal responsibility, free markets, and small government.  I believe in equality over equity, and that everybody should have equality of opportunity.  My ethical system of belief oscillates between Kantianism and Utilitarianism, and I try to follow Jesus' teachings on morality.  I am a firm believer in Jeffersonian liberty, the Westminster Parliamentary System, and am a self defined Blue Tory.  I find all that defines who I am, what I am, much more than factory worker.  That's only how I support myself and my family.

Twist the Knife

 This is unforgivable:

...and I almost had it happen to me when I was 17 years old.

Mean Bee Itches

 Never ever have I been so hateful as this.

Psalm 102:4

Dad did forget to eat his bread.  He was so much more far gone than I realized on that fateful day when I stopped in after work to check on him.  He was sitting in his chair, like normal.  When I checked the cupboard for the food that I had brought him, it was still there.  I asked him if he had eaten, and he replied that he did not know.  I asked him to go to the hospital, and he refused.  He said that he had just gotten out of that place (broken neck).  He didn't want to go.

Stone Cutters

Dad asked me to memorize the 12th chapter of Ecclesiastes years ago.  He always wanted us to join the Masons; it was very important to him.  He never asked, as he said that Masons were not supposed to ask, not supposed to recruit.  But, I know that he did want us to.  Being afraid of public speaking, as I am, I was concerned about having to memorize and recite the degrees.  He said to me that if I could memorize and recite the 12th chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes, that I could recite the degrees in the Blue Lodge.  I set about to learn it, and did.  I could recite the chapter without mistake in the King James Version.

About the Masons:  I've always also had issue with the oath, and apprehension over the accusations of my evangelical friends that the Masons were practicing idolatry at best and practicing demon worship at worst.  I--using logic--reasoned that the accusations were born of the fear of the unknown.  Furthermore, I reasoned, "What kind of father would give his son a snake when he asks for a fish?"  Judging by the adage that, "by their fruits shall ye know them," I believe them to be good normal people (Masons).  Religious reservations aside, the biggest obstacle was always the public speaking.  There is no higher degree than the 3rd, but Dad had progressed to the 33rd in the Scottish Rite.  It was obvious that it was something of great importance to him. 

I've heard this advice twice in the last week.

It makes sense to me.

I understand 100%

I've been affected substantially on too separate occasions.  I get it.

Friday, December 22, 2023


Reading Exodus 35 tonight, and about the bread, reminded me of the food offerings and burnt offerings of the Israelites.  More specifically, it reminded me of Bel and the Dragon.  In verse 6, they leave food for the god to eat.  The difference, though, is the Israelite priests never claimed the food was being eaten by God to prove he was real.

Psalm 144:12

 Have I mentioned yet how proud I am of Chandra?  My daughter, surpassing my hopes, has been accepted into a Masters program.  I am so very proud of this intelligent young woman.  :')

We The People

The government should serve the people, and the police should protect the people.  This concept, advocated for--if not born--in The Enlightenment Age, has been forgotten.  Harkening back to the age of The Divine Right of Kings or the unquestioned supremacy of Caesar Agustus, modern democracies' bureaucracies act as though the people must be ruled, controlled.  And their collectivist supporters can't do enough to foster the butchery of liberty.

Public Healthcare is the Pits

 I hate our public system.  I know, people will say it's provincial.  But, there is a Ministry of Health at the federal level, and transfer payments.  Not to mention, Tommy Douglass set it all up, so they say.



Yesterday was the shortest day of the year.  Dark, cold, depressing.  The days will only get longer from here.

A Very Hard Teaching

Matthew 5:28 is a hard teaching by the Lord.  Because of it, I cannot say that I haven't broken a commandment, a very hard teaching.

I read a good commentary on it that said what Jesus was doing here was saying the sin did happen apart from the desires of the heart.  That is some comfort.  But, I don't know; it still feels like judgement.  

nb. Jesus is the worthy judge.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


Chanting psalm 104 tonight, aside from the humour of saying wild asses, it strikes me that this is probably a helpful passage for Atheists.  How easily they can mock Christian's.  Waters above the Earth?  Preposterous.  Pillars of the Earth.  Ridiculous.   But, to me, even if the Bible was written by men, and written with their limited understanding of things, that does not mean that the Bible is not divinely inspired, nor that God did not build it all.

Mustang Boss 302 or 67 Shelby 500GT?


Ford Mustang Boss 302, Boss 429, and Boss 351 1967 Shelby GT500 | GR Auto Gallery

Judge Not

In Exodus 35, is says that anybody who works on the Sabbath should be put to death.  And I thought, who gets to make that call?  So typical of us humans, we love (LOVE) to judge each other.  I'm sure that throughout history there have been self appointed judges for this law.  Sure, the LORD commanded it as so it must be; but, Moses and Aaron and the judges were in authority under Him.  And, I wonder, how many times was the sentence of death carried out by zealots without authority as we love to condemn our neighbours. 


I miss Dad.  He had this amazing ability to recall.  I would say, “Hey Dad, you know where it says ‘if you confess with your mouth’ in the Bible?”  And, without looking, he would say, “Yeah, that’s in…,” without any problem.  I have to Google it.  That man knew his Bible.  …and his doctrine.  I went to him with many questions.   I miss that.



I am finding this Advent very fruitful.  As a penitential season, it has been better so far for me spiritually than Lent.


How can the Father be the Creator of the World when Jesus is the Builder? Well...

Reading Proverbs 8 last night, and wholly carp!  There's the answer to the riddle of the second line of The Apostle's Creed coupled with John 1:3, Proverbs 8.  Read it.  Thank you LORD.

Get up, get back on your horse, and ride!

When you fast--and fall off the wagon, as I often do--the Devil will whisper in your ear, "You've failed.  Indulge all you desires.  There's no point now."  It's at that point that you say to Him above, "Sorry God.  My foot has slipped.  I will try again."  Nothing, so far as I've experienced, has ever been more proof positive of the existence of faith that you do something for God alone, such as fasting.

P.S.  Note to the reader:  I've never actually heard the Devil's voice audibly; it's much more subtle than that.  For if ever I heard the Devil's voice, I would no longer have to have faith--as St. Paul describes it--in Him above; I would, at that point--know without any doubt.  May God will it that I am correct in this thinking in Jesus' name.  Amen.

Whale Oil Beef Hooded

So, what did I mean a few posts ago when I said that my foot often slips.  Well, as St. Paul said, and I paraphrase, I continue to do the evil that I don't want to do.  All kinds of evil, wickedness to others is part of it, indulgences is another; even aside from impure thoughts (we won't go there today), I weigh 275 lbs at 6'0", so it's clear that I like food a little too much.

If I only got one chance, I'd beef hooked, as the Newfies say.  And, thank God that I don't have to save myself.  Thanks be to the LORD.  Amen.


I--for as long as I can remember--have had all these heretical thoughts that I have to push out of my mind, saying, "Get thee behind me Satan."  Part of my nature to question?  Perhaps.  Question everything, think critically, that's me.  Could He be preparing me for apologetics?  I don't know.  🤷‍♂️

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

51 94

Listening to psalm 51 being sung last night on YouTube and then recently chanting psalm 94 and thinking about sin, I'm so glad that God is patient.  Hide Your face from my sin each ti.e my foot slips.

Monday, December 18, 2023


I was visiting a Church on Sunday.  I have lots of friends who go there.  During the--what I call--message part of the service, a woman (guest or associate pastor?) stood up and talked in very suggestive terms.  She used a phrase that I have never in my life heard before, to refer to the Virgin Birth.  She called the event or Jesus or the Holy Spirit the Sperm of God.  I almost didn't think I heard it correctly.  Nobody around me reacted.  So, shock aside, this is a term that I'm not entirely comfortable with, to suggest that the Holy Spirit had sex with Mary.  If you must try to explain the Virgin Birth in scientific terms, I've always sort of believed that the egg had 32 chromosomes through God's power and influence via the presence of the Holy Spirit within Mary.  This is something that can happen in nature too, although rare (an egg having enough chromosomes without fertilization).  To suggest that there was sperm in Mary is...unsettling.  


Three new dreams, in almost as many days.  The oldest dream had me scheduling.  I don't think I was at work.  I remember it being difficult.  It was with a computer app of some kind.

The second had Chandra as a child, and she was possessed.  Because, why not?  So many of my dreams have been of possession.

Last night, I was trying to cut through a field get to McDonald's.  Paul was with me, and Chandra joined us.  There was a maze of chain link fence on the property.  And, as I navigated the maze, I decided to cut through a factory building.  They tried to hire me.  I declined and made good my escape.  Once outside, I found myself on a range.  There was a shooting competition going on.  I saw plenty of familiar faces.  I wanted to shoot.  I had with me--by chance--a gun I owned in the dream (not in real life).  It was a single action (bolt action) MP5 chambered in .223.  I was begging to borrow ammo.  I believe somebody pointed out that I could buy it at the counter.   I recall signing up for a 300 yards competition.  Good friggin' luck with open sights.  Then, the dream took an erotic twist, as the shooter had to be engaged in intercourse with his penis in a vagina of a woman in the "doggy" position while shooting.  What a way to shoot.  I'm not sure what that all means.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

...and I thought Alice Cooper was a bad person....


Three Piece Set

Over the last three nights, I have had three more vivid dreams.  Three nights ago, I drempt about my little brother, second youngest.  He was doing something self centered and I was so angry.  He seems to sabotage everything he touches.  I remember reaching out to throttle him out of anger.

Two nights ago, I was back at my old employer, driving forklift.  There were only two heat treat lines running, and I was trying to keep up, struggling.

Last night, I got up in the middle of the night, sick.  I remember being in the bathroom saying, I have to write this down.  When I got up at 5:30 a.m. today, I couldn't remember.  :(

Monday, December 11, 2023

John The Baptist

Sunday's reading from Mark 1:4 caught me off guard.  I haven't--don't remember--anybody using the term John The Baptizer since I studied with the Jehovah's Witnesses.  The New Revised Standard Version used this foreign term.  My comfortable Good News Version seems to have no term present.  Rather, it says that John appeared baptizing. 


I was dreaming again last night.  I had bought four race tickets, two each to two different races in the States.  I was looking to sell two tickets at cost to the one race.  This was my intent all along.  I wasn't looking to make money on them.  So, I'm not sure why I bought them. 

I was at the one race (NASCAR?) with Chandra.  She wanted pop, so we were on the hunt.  I found an outside  coin operated vending machine outside of the restaurants and concession stands.  But, it was coin operated like a laundromat washing machine.  You put your quarters in a slot and pushed the silver coloured slide in.  Then, you could pour your fountain drink.  I got a swamp water or something.  Chandra appeared to dislike her drink at first, but said it was in fact good.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Icecream Bikes

I was going to call this post classics, because it involved two iconic machines.  But, in the short time that I've been awake, I lost part of it.  

Bikes, so, in one dream I was riding a Harley-Davidson in a parking lot, trying to not get hit.  In a different dream, and with a bike, the police were looking for me because I drove over the open in use laptops that other bikers were using on the highway.  Yes, I drove through the air.  So, I had to stay off the highways for fear of being seen afterwards. I'll count these two bike dreams as one.

In my second dream, there must have been a Mustang or some other tool or machine of iconic status, but I've lost it.  I do love me a good Mustang.

Third dream, I was selling my Jeep.  I was being extremely honest with the buyers in a personal sale, whom I felt that I knew.

Last dream, I was asked to get a quote with a discount for my employer on some blueberry or blackberry ice cream from a conservative supporting distributor.  Despite the conflict of interest, I was going to explore the possibility.  When I started, the day if it being due arrived, and I hadn't looked into anything yet.

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Crazy Nights

Last night, I drempt that I was working in a fab shop.  All kinds of crazy stuff was happening, fires, explosions, forklift crashes, collisions.  Two of the guys that I work with currently were there.  The one, we'll call him Gaston, grabbed a fire extinguisher to put out a line fire before the CO2 went off.  An explosion blackened a passing truck.  I'm surprised that nobody was killed.

Friday, December 8, 2023

That's so interesting...

So, apparently I’m justified under Islam?  According to the holy Qur’an, Allah requires that I am faithful to the teachings of the Gospel.  If I am not, I am rebelling against Allah. 

Surah 5:47


Also, the holy Qur’an claims that Muhammed was sent as the last in a series of messengers, as a messenger to the Arabs, to warn them in Arabic, in their own language, that other messengers had already been sent to warn other peoples.  That is why the Qur’an was written in the Arabic language.

Surah 42:7

Surah 44:58

Surah 16:36

Surah 10:47


I also heard an interesting take on the Crucifixion in the Qur’an according to a prominent Sheikh.  His interpretation of the denial of the Crucifixion was that Allah did not allow Chris to remain dead from Crucifixion.  It only appeared that Christ died from crucifixion because He was raised to life after they thought they had killed Him.

Surah 4:157


I’m sure you’ve heard fear of the LORD many times; I know I have.  But, what does it mean?  Lots of people claim they know.  So, apparently it tells us in the book of Proverbs.


As my check engine light continues to come on, I’m reminded of a passage that my dad got me to memorize.


Ecclesiastes 12 KJV - Remember now thy Creator in the days of - Bible Gateway

Thursday, December 7, 2023


Last Sautuday, I fell while running.  I was out for a 13k jog.  On the North side of Lake Victoria, I slipped in the mud, tensed up, and fell forward on my hands and knees in the mud.  I was pretty muddy, and so washed off my hands in puddle of standing water.  I was worried that my back--already terribly sore--was going to make me pay the next day.  Thanks be to God, because it wasn't too bad.  I went for a bike ride the next day instead, partly to help my back.  It has gotten quite sore, painful at times, and I'm not sure why.  From running?  Age?  Sitting at a desk all day?  Running with a hydration pack?  I did see my family doctor, who has reccomend physiotherapy. 

Dog Dream

Another night, another strange dream because, why not?  I layed down on the grass in a park beside a path.  A dog come over and layed down right beside me, touching me.  I believe it was a chocolate lab.  I was going to pet him, but--short of growling at me--he made it clear that he didn't want me to do so.  He asked me if I had any good food.  I told him that I had nothing with me, but that I would come back with some.

Later, I was in a restaurant with Cindy.  The menu changed based on where you sat.  I sat in one section, but Cindy kept on moving because she didn't like the food.  I didn't particularly like it either.  When the waitress arrived, whom I knew from Features, I told her that Cindy had moved, indicating that I was not staying. I wasn't sure where Cindy had gone.  I went back to look for the dog, but he was gone, like he didn't trust me to return.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

As shadows lengthen...

I picked up the love of this hymn at St. Gregory's Abbey when I used to visit before COVID and I love it. I try to sing it every night before bed.

FF to 0:50

LORD Protect Me

Kyrie Eleison

Lord have mercy

Christ have mercy

Lord have mercy

Eff Off With the Feels

 I had my coaching session today for my Emotional Intelligence class.  It was uncomfortable and awkward.  I don't like talking about myself.  But, the whole experience left me feeling down in the dumps, depressed, unaccomplished, and unfulfilled in life.  Am I where I'm supposed to be?

I wonder if talking about emotional stuff actually makes you more emotional.  I, being one who prefers to bottle things up, never feel like this really helps.  Actually, in the course's section on regulating emotions, it suggests that we use less intense words, like frustrated rather than angry when we are upset, mildly anxious rather than terrified when we are nervous; if we think it we follow.  And, we can reduce emotional outbursts by arguing with our limbic system.  That's not really how I feel/what is going on & things are okay.  It reminds me of what Morgan Freeman said about not talking about racism all the time and it will stop being a huge problem in society.

I feel like, in days of yore, people were tougher, didn't talk about how they felt all the time.  Life was tough and they survived.  Are we soft?  Is all this touchy feely crap making us week?  Many (many) experts say it makes us stronger.  I have almost never had a fit of rage at work because I bottled up my emotions.  I don't wear my emotions on my sleeve.  And, I question the value of this feely approach, as I question so very many things.  I want to be strong, have my shit together, and be the rock that others can depend on.

Moreover, I feel week because of it.  It this helpful?  I don't feel strong, or in control, or useful when I start to explore this stuff.  As Dennis Leary said, "Life sucks.  Wear a helmet."  I know I'm not doing what I wanted, and also that that particular boat has sailed.  I never served, never a soldier, never a sailor, never a police officer.  I never even found a profession where I helped people.  I never was called to any particular ministry by God either.  

I feel supremely underappreciated and undervalued in my current role, unnoticed like Mr. Burns never remembering Homer's name, never recognized or even thanked.  Not only am I flying far below the radar, I never get any kind of positive feed back, or feedback in any form.  I'm constantly micromanaged by numerous levels above and feel that accomplishing my vision for my department is an outlandish pipe dream, a farcical whim.  I'm still performing the job of a specialist, not leaving me time to manage my team, and feel criticized for not managing.

So, in this deep dark well that I have sunken into tonight, I will turn to the LORD for help, as I always hate to do; I never want to turn to Him *because* I am in need, but to chose Him because it is right and my duty in times when I don't *need* to do so, free choice.

The Wicked

 The dreams continue.  Last night, I drempt that I was back at Hendrickson, at my old job.  I don't really remember a whole lot about it now; but, enough about dreams.  

I wanted to post about the 34th psalm.  It is obviously a messianic psalm.  His bones wouldn't be broken.  Some translations include the promise of eternal life.  The end always gets me.  Evil will slay the wicked.  🤔

Monday, December 4, 2023

Carrier Ballroom

Two more strange dreams, I had a night of broken sleep.  In the first dream, I was the captain of a fleet carrier in space.  It was a very cool ship, which deployed like a howitzer.  I don't recall ever firing the gun.  And, I don't recall an actual enemy.  Although, I did have a bitter arch rival with another carrier.  The setting had a very post apocalyptic feel to it.

I had a second dream that I remember.  I was able to escape a ball room with an erie eternal feel to it, where a brawl had broken out.  Once outside with the other peaceful people, I tried to convince them to seal the violent people inside the ballroom by piling tables and chairs against the only exit.  They refused.  I began on my own, and was caught red handed,  as they began to make their was outside.  Later, I was trying to check in to a hotel in a future time for some convention or other, but the front desk clerk wouldn't check my two scoped M-16s, even though they had in the past done this for me.  I got the distinct impression that it was in retaliation for trying to seal him in the ballroom.

The second dream felt oddly connected to the first.  Although, I was awake between dreams in the early hours of the morning.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Gifts and Fruit

 Gifts                                                            Fruit

Message of Wisdom                                     Love

Message of Knowledge                                Joy

Faith                                                             Peace

Healing                                                         Forbearance

Miraculous powers                                       Kindness

Prophesy                                                       Goodness

Distinguishing between Spirits                    Faithfulness

Speaking if different kinds of tongues        Gentleness

Interpretation of different tongues              Self-control


I'm doing okay, really, but by check engine light is coming on from time to time.

 How will I praise You if I go down to the pit, oh LORD?  I think I understand what King David was saying here.  My use, in so far as I at least can praise, will end if my time is cut short.

...just aches and pains, I'm not 20 anymore.

Happy Advent Everybody

 Today, our rector Allie said that we should be like a candle, shining our little light in the darkness.  I like that.

Idolatry or Reverence

The altar at the front of the Church is traditional.  Many new Churches don't have it.  The altar is bowed to, not to worship the altar, but to give God the respect due Him.

My daughter gave me a Boston Red Sox hat.  I wear it all the time.  It's dirty and old.  I won't even let my wife clean it, for fear of wrecking the stitching or the fabric.  My daughter gave it to me as a gift, with money of her own from her part time job.  It is very special to me.  I don't love the hat; I love her.  And, because she gave it to me, it is special to me.

Stay in Your Lane

 Three nights in a row, I have had strange dreams.  I lost most of this one, as I didn't write it down when I got up or take mental notes.  I was driving, my driver side window frosted up so that I couldn't see, and I changed lanes out of fear, not seeing that I narrowly missed rear ending a car.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Wacked Out Dream

I was on my bicycle.  I had to pick up my dad and his girlfriend (yes, on my bike).  I biked through a retirement home at one point.  It was very nice in there, all kinds of specialty rooms.  Then, I was biking down Ontario street.  I was late getting them.  I was peddling so hard, or it was hard to peddle.  I was at his girlfriend's house, trying not to let her dog out.  They were not there.  I continued on Ontario street.  This was not his real life girlfriend, I don't believe..  My brothe Leslier was in my dream, but I can't remember how now, but it was connected to an old video game or book somehow.  I lost my backpack somewhere along the way with my work laptop in it.  I was panicking.   I was still late.  At one point I cut through someone's side yard of an old house.  They tried to tell me about an old classic movie that they liked.  I realized it was because their face was ugly like the fictional (muppet) characters.

Paging Dr. Freud.  Paging Dr. Sigmund Freud. 

Friday, December 1, 2023

2 for 1

I had two strange dreams last night.  The first was that they found cancer in my fight leg.  May God will it not be so, in Jesus' name, Amen.  I'm not sure why I would have drempt that.

Second, I drempt that I had I was a tanker.  I guess I was the gunner, though I think I was driving too.  The tank was a manual targeting system, and I had a hard time aiming successfully on the move.  My ammo was also super low.  I had to hit one tank multiple times to kill it.  Another accidentally turned it's rear to me, and I couldn't fire fast enough.  It started burning after the first shot, and I was pouring them in mercilessly.  I didn't ever see anybody else in my tank; I may have been alone.  I did take one shot at enemy infantry, but I don't know if I hit them.  Again, what made me dream this?