Sunday, March 1, 2020

Look what I dug up!

I watched hours of this show as a young boy.  I wrote away (no internet yet) for the free literature.  I became engrossed with The Book of Revelation.  I became super focus on end time prophecy, The Book of Daniel, the 24th chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew.  For very many years, it was easily my favourite book of the Bible (Revelation).  The imagery of the literature was captivating, and the content was eye opening, terrible, and full of promise at the same time.  It was the lense I may have viewed the world through for many years.  I know it had an impact on me, maybe bigger than I thought.  There was St. John's United Church Shigawake's Sunday School, and Herbert W. Armstrong in my boyhood theological formation.  By the time of my confirmation, I had very strong beliefs and understandings of The Bible and theology.  Of course, there were other influences, my devout grandfather, my father's extreme reverence for The Bible, my mom taking us to Sunday School regularly.  I used that confirmation Bible like there was no tomorrow, that Good News Version, still do.  It's my go to Bible and the one I use daily still, dog eared (Dad would have a fit), finger stained pages.  But you know what, I have never written in the margins (I can't) and I can't even place another object on top of the book.  

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