Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Role playing

I don't know why, but last night I had a dream that I was taking an OPC test.  I had a scenario where I had a punk standing in a public fountain.  His friend was present, but not in the fountain.  I was unsure about something, so I went to find the officer in charge of the test to ask him a question, only to be told by an administrator that he was back at the fountain in an observation booth.  

I can't remember what my question was now.  But I do remember feeling like I was already failing the test.  In real life, my two dumb scenarios were an old lady complaining about kids throwing shoes into her tree, and a kid taking a candy bar at a grocery store while I was off duty.  

I say dumb because, they are not major crimes.  They are meant to make you feel uncomfortable and unsure, maybe a bit to see if you overreact.  They also want to see how you think on your feet.  Honestly, I found it easier to deal with the rape victim and with the surgeon who was drunk driving.  

I did good on the shoe tree, not so much on the candy bar.  I was very uncomfortable with the role playing and just answered questions in the third person, which is not what they wanted to see.  It was my first time.  I told them that I would tell the kid's mother that he took the candy bar.  They said she doesn't care.  I said I would then tell the store manager.  I can't arrest him as he is under 12 and can't be charged.  

Maybe the dream connection is that I am making my trainees role play in training at my factory.  I hate role playing.  I didn't write the material.  I feel sorry for them.

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