Sunday, March 15, 2020

Ashley Madison

Hall Pass, is it still adultery when there is an open relationship?  Bible characters often had multiple wives or concubines.  Jesus summarized The Law as love God and love your neighbour.  If adultery falls under offences against your neighbour, love your neighbour, and you can do no harm, is it still unlawful?  We are, after all, not bound by the law according to St. Paul.

Philosophy may be hard to focus on in this one, as it may hit close to home and because we usually have strong feelings about the topic.  Is it ethical?  That depends, maybe under Utilitarian Ethics.  It wouldn't be according to Kant. 

To further complicate the matter, what happens when one lies about sexual encounters when in an open relationship?  Is honesty required?

Also, what about off limits?  Is it then adultery when an open relatuonship partner sleeps with an individual deemed off limits?

Now for mental and emotional health, is being in an open relationship good for you? Polygamy on TV looks like it works out, if very one sideded. 

Do we get to redefine what is moral?  Do I have any more questions?

AM is advertising that you should have an affair because life is short.  And, moral vigilantes hacked their data and outed the clients.

1 comment:

  1. Does the equation change at all, in your opinion, if you haven't been intimate in years with your partner?


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