Saturday, March 14, 2020

I never thought society would collapse in my lifetime.

I never thought civilization would fall during my lifetime, and I still don't.  Maybe I'm in denial, but I believe that it will all blow over...just like SARS did in 2009.  This will--maybe--be as deadly as the Spanish Flu, or somewhere in that neighborhood.  The economic damage though, from hording and mass panic, will be severe.  As people make it worse, we are CAUSING the supplies shortages.   Industries shutting down to prevent the spread of the virus will send the economy reeling into a tailspin.  I'm betting on all this blowing over and preparing for it not to.

What ever happened to the good old days, the 1950s style governments where officials would lie to us to maintain public order and people didn't have all the facts?  "Remember, remain calm.  Government officials are doing everything possible for your safety.  There is no need for alarm, as officials work tirelessly to ensure your safety."

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