Wednesday, March 18, 2020

My Love of Baseball

The seed was planted in 1989, two games between the Expos and the Pirates in Montreal at the Big O.  I was treated to a game or two by my father.

I became a hockey nut in my late teens.  I viewed baseball as an American game.  It took hold in 1993 with the Canadiens Stanley Cup win.  Hockey was Canadian and something to be proud of.

In 2004, after I was already pissed off about the Forum being destroyed to make more money, the season was cut short due to a lock out over money.  I was so disenchanted that I have not watched an NHL game since.

In the absence of the Stanley Cup playoffs, I began watching Spring Training MLB games.  The Jays were the local team.  I became a Jays fan.  They sucked a lot for many years, but I hung in there.

The Red Sox became my Post Season team, and I was treated to several World Series winning seasons.  I really became a baseball fan.  I have four teams now, including the Dodgers and Cubbies.  

I love the numbers.  I love the metrics.  I love the duel between the pitcher and batter.  I love the psychology of the duel.  I love how the funner on first changes the game.  I love how the National League rules change the game.  I love inter-league games.  I love baseball.

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