Friday, March 13, 2020

Cruises are Cheap

Last night I had a dream that I was on a cruise ship, probably because of all the CORVID19 talk.  It was speeding through a busy harbour, narrowly missing other ships.  It docked and it was time to debark.  Cindy had already left without me, but our cabin was still full of stuff.  So, I emptied the cupboards into my small travel bag, all the toiletries, passport, cash, etc...  I proceeded to make my way toward the lobby to debark.   Then, I awoke before my alarm went off. 

This week, I received an e-mail from Carnival advertising %56/day cruised out of Miami to the Caribbean. 

This virus has people crapping themselves.  It isn't going to wipe us out, not at a 2% mortality rate.  The Spanish Flu was much worse.

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