Sunday, March 29, 2020

On The Nature Of Sin, After Years Of Personal Reflection

It's not that I don't sin; I do.  Being a Christian doesn't make me better that anybody else, nor does it make me a hypocrite, except in the eyes of the ignorant who do not understand Christianity.  It does make me a better person though, but it doesn't make me good.  

I have my struggles, failing, falling into the same old sins.  Resisting sin is a never ending war, with battles you sometimes lose.  The thing that I've come to realize is that, we can't stop sin by ourselves.  We will fail every time.  The important thing to remember is that, we don't have to.  Jesus both freed us from the law and paid the price for our sin already, once and for all time, in totality. 

That doesn't mean that we have a free pass to do whatever we want.  We are free from sin, but we should live as if we are not, sort of; we should, once being saved, exhibit good works--the Fruit of The Spirit.  Not to save ourselves, we should do good works BECAUSE we are saved. As St. James points out, faith without works is dead.

P.S.  Maybe when other's see our good works being exhibited and see our struggle against what we proclaim to be sin, that is the origin of the misunderstanding that Christians are haute.

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