Sunday, March 8, 2020

Evangelizing Aliens

The sermon today at Church mentioned the Greek word used for world in John Ch. 3.  It uses the word for cosmos.  If God means cosmos, and not the world, and if aliens land, maybe we will be evangelizing to the aliens.  Then I started thinking that, maybe they are the next Alexander, the next Roman Empire. As hard as it is for Atheists to accept that God "founded a religion" (because He didn't) in an obscure corner of the Earth in the Middle East, it will be as hard for aliens to believe that God came as a mortal to an obscure planet in the corner of the universe.  I continued to think that, that will not stop God from using the aliens to spread Christianity to the cosmos as He used Alexander and Rome to spread the faith throughout the known world.  And that, we must Minister to--and evangelize to--the aliens when they come.  I don't think this is at all where the priest was going with his sermon today.  How pissed will they be when we start knocking on the doors of their flying saucers, "Have you heard the good news?"

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