Friday, March 20, 2020

Desperate Times Part II

Our priest e-mailed this out to us all.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Ross Gill" <>
To: "Ross Gill" <>
Sent: Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 4:58 PM
Subject: St Paul's keeping in touch

During this time of self-isolation and safe distancing, it is still vitally important that we keep in touch with one another.  The Church doesn't cease being the Church simply because we are unable to meet in our building on Sunday mornings or during the week.  Maybe we can't meet face to face in the way we would like but we still can communicate with each other by telephone, email and social media.  Perhaps the old fashioned card or letter through surface mail might even make something of a comeback.  It is always a pleasant experience to discover a letter in the mailbox or a message in our inbox.  They tell us that we aren't alone and haven't been forgotten.  If you or someone you know could use a call from us please don't hesitate to get in touch with us by email or by the church office telephone number.

There are a few other things we would like to say at this time.  First of all, we don't know how long it will be before we can resume worship inside our building.  Our present circumstances will continue at least until April 8.  To help us get to that point, we are hoping to have services of Morning Prayer available each Sunday on YouTube.  If we can get it to work to our satisfaction, on Saturday we will send out by email a link to the video and a copy of the liturgy so you can follow along.  The Lord willing, our first attempt will be available this Sunday.

Secondly, the Diocese of Huron has devoted part of their website for keeping the members of the Huron family informed.  You can find this information at

And thirdly, please pray.  Pray for yourselves and pray for us, pray for your fellow parishioners and pray for the sick and those attending to them.  If you need some help giving form to your prayers, we encourage you to use the Book of Common Prayer and the Book of Alternative Services.  They are two great resources with prayers for many different occasions. 

We conclude our note with a prayer Julia adapted from the New Zealand Prayer Book.  

"God of the present moment, God who in Jesus stills the storm and soothes the frantic heart; bring hope and courage to all who wait and work in uncertainty.  Bring hope that you will make them equal of whatever lies ahead.  Bring them courage to endure what cannot be avoided, for your will is health and wholeness; you are God and we need you." Amen.
Blessings to you and yours during this unsettling time.

The Rev Julia and the Rev Ross Gill


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