Saturday, March 7, 2020

Long Strange Star Trekish Dream

I had a crazy dream last night.  I don't remember all of it.  What I do remember was that there were aliens who were kidnapping humans, and had been for millions of years, to place on a planet far away.  There, they would fight to the death as family units.  My step-father was there in the crowd outside the event area, which was outdoors on the top of a small plateau at the top of three marble staircases arranged in a circle.  My step-father warned me that spectating too closely meant volunteering for the main event.  There was a safe circle on the ground, and few individuals were beyond it.  Then, somehow, I was part of an escape action, as I watched (participated?) Lt. Uhura from Star Trek (a young attractive Uhura) lead a small resistance group (to escape?) through a complex.  I havent watched TOS in years.  Upon discovery, she prepped and started the transporters, walked away from the controls, strategically placed a flip communicator on a small table by the door (which never came into play), and exited the room.  At this point, or there abouts, I felt more of an observer than a participant.  I vaguely recall talking to my estranged brother about what Uhura was doing, as if watching it unfold on TV.  Uhura then exited the room, and proceeded to intercept the bad guy.  Stopping outside a locked door, she waited in ambush.  I watched as the enemy, a young adult female humanoid (the first glimpse of the enemy aliens--if this was even the same dream) breeched the door from the other side (logically I was spectating at this point) with a small explosive device.   Uhura was ready and waiting on the other side with a Type II phaser.  The alien woman, seeing the phaser, began to psychologically manipulate Uhura, using pity, and moving dangerously close, taking advantage of a clearly conflicted Uhura, who did not want to kill (no stun setting?).  Even so, I was clearly convinced that Uhura would kill to escape,  as that was paramount  (no pun intended, maybe a little) and believe it was the reason for her being destraught; she knew she was about to kill (for the first time?), and had no choice but to do what she didn't want to do.  Then, I was disappointed as my alarm woke me for work, and I never learned what happened.

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