Sunday, March 15, 2020

Last night I had strange dreams, some disturbing.

The dreams went as so:  

I was with some humanoid aliens who were eating my Bassett Hound alive.  They had already carved off meat and much of her head.  I was horrified and destraught.  I stepped on what was left of her head and crushed it to put her down.  The young pre teen alien boy near me became angry.  I took him by the shoulders (gently), with much sadness still, and tried to explain that the dog was suffering and in much pain.  I didn't feel like he was understanding. 

The other dream was strange, but less disturbing.  Because the Churches in the Diocese of Huron have all been closed due to the CORVID19 pandemic, I went to another Church that I found open.  It was a United Church.  As I went inside, I found our Deacon already there, taking over the Church.  I went inside regardless.  I somehow ended up in a side chapel where I had sex (I alcually did, as opposed to just being aware that I had) with an attractive woman with long dark hair who was already pregnant (visibly).  I was completely naked, and was trying not to be seen by the Deacon and my step-father.   The woman wanted to (after the act) claim that her infant child was mine, and reap the benifits associated (not sure how I knew that). 

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