Saturday, February 29, 2020

Hey, you're religious, right?

So many times, people assume that I am--or think I am--better than others, or that all Christians think they are better than others.  If anything, Christianity is a like standing in front of a mirror naked and letting it all hang out.  So, thank God we have Jesus to cancel out our sins.  I'm not going to save myself; I fight my share of demons (i.e. I am far from perfect), chief amoung them Asmodeus and Acedia.  But, we have to try to minister to others too (not to show superiority, but to manifest the Fruit of The Spirit).

I believe it was St. James who said that faith without works was dead.  Thanks for that St. James.  So we can't just hide in our homes.  When I was very young, I used to hope (maybe even have asked) that God would make me one of the two prophets from the book of Revelation who are killed and have their bodies left in the streets.  Looking back, I realize that it was a very arrogant desire; I am nowhere near worthy.  I later asked for a very different ministry.  I, however, have never felt that I was called.  I just keep on keeping on.  I trust in God, even when I don't (doubt), and believe that there is a plan for me; nothing happens by chance.  

As a side note of sorts, as a young boy, I was heavily influenced by the TV show of The Worldwide Church of God, especially by their apocalyptic content and literature. I can still see the cover of one pamphlet with the Beast rising from the sea.

1 comment:

  1. ...and wrath, I can't forget wrath and a touch of pride too come to think of it.


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