Sunday, February 9, 2020

List of Influential People--Updated

It was interesting to revisit this post today:

It became evident that it was a time sensitive post, in that it was me at that time; I've added names (see the comment below the original post in the link) of influence on the me before and the me after the post to flesh out the skeleton of the list that was then the me in the now.  I can't discount the impact people like Skinner had on my young adulthood, Cranmer and others midway to present, and that of Carl Jung Thomas, Jefferson, and Jordan Peterson (oops, I left him off the list) later in my life (so far).  There are so many influences and great thinkers.  If pressed, I'm sure I could name so many more.  That's not even mentioning the people that God has placed in my path like Jennifer, Christian, Gerald, Vivian, etc....

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